by on April 23, 2021

Essay writing rules

  • Of the formal rules for writing an essay, only one can be named - the presence of a heading.
  • The internal structure of the essay can be arbitrary. Since this is a small form of written work, it is not necessary to repeat the conclusions at the end, they can be included in the main text or the heading.
  • Argumentation can precede the formulation of the problem. The wording of the problem may match the conclusion.
  • Unlike an essay, which is addressed to any reader, so it starts with "I want to talk about ..." and ends with "I came to the following conclusions ...",  an essay is a remark addressed to a prepared reader (listener). That is a person who already has a general idea of ​​what will be discussed. This allows the author of the essay to focus on the disclosure of something new and not clutter up the presentation with service details and write my essay.

Errors when writing an essay

Unlike tests, essays do not assume a multiple-choice format (when you are offered several answers to choose from). Essay writing is not limited in time, you can rewrite it many times, ask friends to read your essay. Take advantage of all the opportunities and try to avoid common mistakes.

  1. Bad check.
    Don't feel like you can just check your spelling. Reread your essays and make sure that there are no ambiguous expressions, bad phrases, etc. Examples that should not be "noted":
    "I am proud to be able to resist the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco."
    "Working for your firm (organization) located in a wonderful place with a lot of Gothic architecture will be an exciting challenge for me."
  2. Tedious prefaces. Not enough parts.
    Too often, an interesting essay fails in listing statements without illustrating them with examples. Essays are characterized by the usual clichés: the importance of hard work and perseverance, learning from mistakes, etc.
  3. Verbosity.
    Essays are limited to a certain number of words, so you need to use this volume wisely. Sometimes this means giving up some ideas or details, especially if they have already been mentioned somewhere or are not directly related to the case. Such things only distract the attention of the reader (listener) and obscure the main topic of the essay & write essay for me.
  4. Long phrases.
    The longer the sentence, the better, according to some candidates. However, this is far from the truth. Long phrases do not yet prove the author is right, and short sentences are often more effective. It is best when in the essay long phrases alternate with short ones. Try reading the essay out loud. If you feel that you are holding your breath, break the paragraph into smaller paragraphs.
    When you're done writing your essay, do this exercise. Give each paragraph a letter: either S (short), M (medium), or L (long). S - less than 10 words, M - less than 20 words, L - 20 or more words.
    The correct essay has the following or similar letter order - MSMLM S.
    An incorrect essay characterizes such a sequence of letters - SSSMLL L.
  5. Don't overload your essay.
    When writing an essay, discard words from encyclopedias. The incorrect use of such words distracts the reader's attention and diminishes the meaning of the essay.

By avoiding such common mistakes, you can interest the expert Committee (employer) with your experience.

Essay check

When writing an essay, it is of great importance to check the first version of it. When writing a draft, your main task is to develop the argumentation, polish the main thoughts and arrange them in a strict sequence, accompanied by illustrative materials or supporting data, etc. After writing the first draft, let it rest for a day or two, and then return to the work of checking and improving, with a fresh mind & write my essay for me.

When reviewing your essay, first of all, pay attention to the following important points:

  1. First of all, it is important to remember that an essay is a subjective genre, therefore its assessment can be subjective. You shouldn't target the whole mass of employers.
  2. Data presented:
    No matter what question you answer, you need to achieve certain goals. You are expected to keep the following in mind when writing your essay:
    Did I answer the question asked?
    How clearly and accurately did I express my thoughts?
    Does what I wrote sound natural, are there any mistakes?
    Also make sure that you:
    • Demonstrated their desire to build their career in a certain direction.
    • Were "focused" on building a career in a specific field.
    • Included in the story from one to three qualities, strengths, characteristics that set you apart from the crowd of other candidates.
    • Have presented at least one compelling argument for the employer to invite you to their business.
  3. Communication/writing skills.
    Essays are also designed to test your writing skills and writing skills. The specialist selection consultant says: "Your essay should not characterize you like a future writer or philologist, you are a future leader, manager. For business success, it is important to be able to present your ideas well, and the ability to express them on paper is available to those who easily communicate with other people. "
    A poorly written (submitted) essay will not help you get accepted into the business and essay writing service.
  4. The image of a real person.
    The expert Commission (employer) wants to see in the essay the image of the person who wrote it. It is not only test results, work experience that is important, but also the character of the candidate. "We are looking for something elusive in the documents that the numbers cannot show, so we hope to find it in the essay. Do not miss the opportunity to tell us about yourself in your essays. This will help us make sure that we are considering the candidacy of a very real person. rather than just the sum of various indicators. "
    The following is important here - to be honest, sincere, unique, that is, to be yourself!
    Experts believe that often graduates, job seekers want to seem like someone: a leader, a mature person, that they forget to be just a human!
  5. Individuality.
    The only way to make the commission (employer) see the image of a particular person behind all the documents is to add an element of personal, inimitable, uniqueness in the essay. Your essays will immediately become more interesting and eye-catching. They will help you stand out from hundreds of other applicants.
    "The essay should be as personalized as possible. It is boring to read essays that are replete with general phrases are a waste of time. Still, you will not understand anything about the identity of the candidate."
  6. Details.
    Everything that you write in the essay must be supported by examples, make references to your experience. Details will make your essays interesting, unique, and specific.
  7. Distinctive features / Uniqueness / Something interesting, funny.
    According to experts, “graduates (applicants) should not be afraid that they will go beyond what is acceptable, it is better to be themselves. Very often, graduates are worried about whether they can make the right impression, so they remove from the essay everything that makes them outstanding. safe from the point of view of graduates, essays are quite tedious to read. "
    You don't have to joke around in your essays to make them interesting. However, try to use every means at your disposal to make your essays memorable.
  8. Honesty.
    The panel of experts does not tolerate participants who like to show themselves off. It will be better if you reflect the true state of affairs in an essay. At the same time, do not focus on your flaws, although they are present in your character. You have to be honest, but positive. Give only positive feedback about yourself and your qualities! The so-called "weaknesses" should be presented as follows: "earlier this was my drawback, but now it has turned into a positive quality & paper writing service."
  9. Literary work.
    Panelists love essays that are a pleasure to read. "Make sure your essay is easy to read. Give it some more time: check if your thoughts are consistent, whether they lead to the logical conclusion of the topic."
    "Humor is a great tool, but use it wisely. A sarcastic or cocky tone is often annoying. True humor is an art, it is a sign of good taste."
    In your essays, you tell a success story, indicate the reasons why you want to build your career in the direction you have chosen. You can go even further by writing an essay in the form of a literary work: a story, a novel. This is a risky approach, however, as most people are not very good writers, and it can play down the seriousness of your story. Finally, employers will not invite you into their business just because you are a great storyteller.

Essay examples

If you, dear readers, have already familiarized yourself with the content of the section "How to write an essay" and now you have a good idea of ​​the structure and rules for writing an essay, are familiar with the methodology, and imagine how to check an essay, what mistakes may arise when writing an essay, then now, to write a good an essay on your chosen topic - you are missing the smallest thing: get acquainted with the examples of essays. Examples by themselves will not replace your essay. And they should not be copied and displayed as our own - this is an occupation for losers, for those who cannot and are incapable. Examples are given here for others and another - to improve the understanding of the rules outlined earlier, comparing them with the practical material given here.


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