by on September 8, 2021

Since Blizzard's former employee developer Jesse McCray was accused of sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace, the Overwatch development team announced on Thursday that they will rename Cowboy McCray later this year.

Now the World of Warcraft team has announced similar changes, and the re-description of former Blizzard employees will be deleted in future updates.

In the announcement of update 9.1.5 launched in the public beta, the World of Warcraft development team stated that the patch "updates to improve the game environment of our community, including additional changes to certain content to better reflect our common values, and to better understand the impact of your reporting of harassment in the game and impose stricter penalties on those who engage in disruptive behavior."

It is not as specific as the equivalent statement of Overwatch, but a Blizzard spokesperson confirmed to PC Gamer that "in-game references to Jesse McCree, Luis Barriga, and Jon LeCraft will be removed from World of Warcraft." Former Blizzard employees recently left the company.

It's worth remembering that these changes can easily be considered superficial or to reassure. Although Activision Blizzard's initial company statement after the lawsuit was dismissive and aggressive, the developer's employees condemned this response and Leading a strike to protest.

At the same time, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing accused Activision Blizzard of shredding documents related to their investigation. MMOTBC will not make too many comments on this, and we will do our best to provide wow clasic gold services.

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