lowes Emily
by on November 28, 2022

Debuting only a week just a few days ago, Lost Ark has shot up the Steam charts, having accumulated over 1 million concurrent players , making it the most played games on Steam (based on the number of concurrents) ever. Created by Smilegate RPG, Lost Ark Gold is a Korean MMO which debuted in Korea in 2018 , only to be re-released to English and made available to the west via a partnership with Amazon Games. Even though it's been in existence within the US and Europe for a limited time there are more than 200,000 players on Twitch in the moment and has even beaten games such as Dota 2, CS:GO, and PUBG by a record number of gamers on Steam.

What exactly is the point of Lost Ark anyway I spent the last week looking into this latest gaming hotness, eager to find out if the game has the qualities to be my new obsession or just something that I'm happy to let other people obsess about. Lost Ark is a free-to-play MMO that plays similar to Diablo. It's an isometric, action RPG with all the characteristics of a free-to-play MMO such as wildly undressed female models and a game chat brimming with spammers from gold farmers. Lost Ark is mindless fun that won't punish those who don't take it too seriously.

Lost Ark Sets New Round of Fever Time, With Rewards to help Honing and Battle

Lost Ark is getting two more rounds of the weekend-only Fever Time event to close out the month of July. This event lets you claim rewards once on Saturday and then on Sunday. This event is part of the recently added bonus progressions best place to buy Lost Ark Gold that were added following last month's July Spells of Spades upgrade.

Posted in: Entertainment
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