Clones, Snapshots and Saved Machines in VirtualBox
Demo powering off versus saving state of machines in VirtualBox, as well as copying, cloning and taking snapshots. Using Ubuntu Server as guest machine.
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[How To] Fix : Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files
Fix: Windows Resource Protection Found Corrupt Files
In our earlier video how System File Checker and SFC Scannow is usefull and allow users to scan and restore corrupted Windows System Files. If you want to check the disk health check and run some test to make sure your disk is perfectly fine, watch this video.
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Share Files & Folders Between Your Host Machine and VirtualBox
The easiest way to do this is to simply create a shared folder on the computer then create a network connection to it on the Virtual Machine.
Why Should You Use a Virtual Machine?
What are the benefits of virtualization?
This is a question asked over on Lockergnome Q&A recently, and I thought the answers may just benefit several of you out there.
Now, we know that many of you already use virtual machines.
See how that works? We all help each other! Remember - YOU were a n00b at one time, too!
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