How to do CPR on an Adult (Ages 12 and Older)
Cincinnati Children's Demonstrates Adult CPR (Ages 12 and Older).
You Arrive on the Scene
Check the scene for safety. Check the victim for consciousness. Gently tap the shoulder and shout.
No Response
Call 911 immediately.
If the adult is on his or her stomach, turn the person over onto his or her back. The person should be lying on a hard flat surface.
Check for Breathing and Signs of Life
Watch the chest for any normal movement. Look for signs of life and breathing for no more than 10 seconds.
No Breathing or Signs of Life
Begin CPR
a. Position the heel of one hand on the center of the adult’s chest. Place your other hand on top.
b. With your elbows locked and arms straight, lean over the adult and compress the chest 2 inches in depth 30 times.
c. After 30 compressions, give breaths by tilting the head back, lifting the chin and pinching the nose. Give two slow and gentle breaths. The chest should rise with each breath.
d. Continue with 30 compressions / two breaths, 30 compressions / two breaths, etc.
Continue CPR until another rescuer takes over, you see signs of life or help arrives.
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