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Male. Lives in Texas, United States.
By: on February 15, 2017
Food for thought: All Ponzi's pay initially in order to bait people to signup and provide testimonials. Then the very same people will perpetuate the ponzi until they themselves become victims. Joining a club does not make you a trader. Just putting it out there. Get educated. Know what to look for and don't get fooled. ...
163 views 2 likes
By: on February 11, 2017
Crypto-city.com is hitting the airwaves. Your Complete Bitcoin and Crypto Social Network. Crypto-city radio ads will run at 12:15am/pm , 4:15am/pm , 8:15am/pm. Everyday , eastern standard time.
769 views 3 likes
By: on December 21, 2016
Now everyone on Crypto-city can chat with anyone in the world in their own local language simply doing the following: 1. Click on the three dots on the chat box 2. Scroll down to "Translate Conversation" 3. Then select your language. ...
161 views 2 likes
By: on December 10, 2016
Hey everyone, it has been brought to our attention by users that there is a ponzi scam site calling itself Crypto-City.org. Users are advised not use the dot .org site. The dot .org site is in no way related to our web site, which is Crypto-city.com
723 views 1 like
By: on November 4, 2016
November is an exciting time for the Citizens of Crypto-city, we've had many improvements making the city more secure and and responsive. We've also implemented a Crypto-city points reward program that all our citizens will love and we'll continue to expand the points systems capabilities. Citizens, are now able to earn points for sharing videos, photos, making comments, posting their status, inviting friends and much more. The best part is that everyone will be able to able to trade their p...
665 views 3 likes
By: on October 7, 2016
As of today, all Crypto-city citizens will earn points from their activities around the city. That’s right, you'll get points whether you’re blogging, uploading pictures, posting a thread, sharing videos or making comments. Inviting friends will earn you the most points when they join you on Crypto-city. So what can you do can you do with your Crypto-city points? You can: ...
1.2k+ views 4 likes
By: on September 29, 2016
Want to change the world? This may upset some people. Maybe even you. For those that profess to want to change the world and help their fellow humans. Here are some, "Food For Thought." If you want to change the world, build or promote something that has the potential to change people's lives in how they communicate, work, play, think and live. Then you give it away. ...
110 views 2 likes
By: on September 28, 2016
Every time I leave home, I always find myself in discomfort during my travels. After much reflection, I've come to realize that I've experience the same discomforts at home, but it's not as obvious when you are in the your own environment. So what then is it exactly that is it exactly that is giving me such discomfort? In one form or another I find it uncomfortable to be sitting on chair with a desk or table and sleeping on a bed or a couch. The cabinets also annoyed me, After much grief, ...
1.4k+ views 0 likes
By: on September 17, 2016
Do you want your PC to run faster, but you don't have the money to fork out for an SSD (Solid State) drive ? If you're looking for a cheap way to breath new life into your old computer system, here is cheap way to boost the performance of your PC. It's so cheap it's practically FREE. The only cost is a few minutes of your time and you can go from Zero to Hero with your friends and family in no time. The results are almost like magic. So, here is how you can perform this techno magic tri...
1.6k+ views 1 like
By: on September 12, 2016
So, I was looking to pick up a new server as an addition to the ones I have at home. I can get a 16 core that'd suck-up 840 watts idle. After looking at the trusty 8 server I've built a few years back I am reconsidering my initial decision. The server I've built still running today and draws only 160-180 watts at full throttle. I figure I can build 4 of my own system to give me 32 cores and would only draw about 640 watts. The inconvenience is that I would have to source each component. The...
982 views 1 like
By: on September 6, 2016
Currently all the Crypto currency community pages are lumped into one area and is in need of reorganization. Just to make things easier to find we'll create some new categories such as alt-coins, exchanges, etc...
77 views 0 likes
By: on September 5, 2016
Making the headlines, the banks are wanting to hire bitcoin specialists. Of course they do, because they've come to realize that are becoming less relevant. Soon enough you'll no longer need banks. Thanks to the Blockchain, the future world of tomorrow's money is already here today. The blockchain technology is simply an electronic ledger that is publicly available for anyone to use and look at. This blockchain is distributed to everyone that runs a bitcoin wallet forming what is called the...
1.1k+ views 4 likes