rodrick james
.Posted in Help With Nursing Assignment
Receive unparalleled support with your nursing assignment help through Assignment Desk's expert assistance. Our dedicated service ensures top-notch help with nursing assignments, catering to the specific requirements of this demanding field. Whether it's a complex case study, research paper, or any nursing-related task, our seasoned professionals deliver comprehensive and accurate solutions. Trust Assignment Desk to guide you through the intricacies of nursing assignments, providing timely and expertly crafted support. Elevate your academic performance and understanding with our reliable help, tailored to meet the challenges of nursing coursework.
  5 Things You Should Know before Buying English bulldog Puppies    Are you looking to buy English bulldog puppies? Do you know the essential things about English bulldogs? If not, then you are at the right place. From the below part, you will learn the crucial things about English bulldog puppies. Hopefully, this guide will help you greatly if you have already decided to go for English bulldog puppies for sale Miami.    They Are Good Fit For First Time Dog Owners   Generally, English bulldog puppies are suspicious of strange dogs. Still, early socialization helps them to cut out those feelings and allows them to be familiar with the other animals. These dogs are easy to manage and want to make their owners pleased every time. So, you don't need to struggle too much to make them obey your commands.    They can give you responses to the basic commands. However, for complicated ones, you have to work a bit more.    They Can Make Drool   The English Bulldogs come with large snouts and jowls, so they can drool at your home.   You can keep a handy drool cloth for your puppies. So, try to clean their face and wrinkles every time with the drool cloth.    Apart from that, if you buy bulldogs from English bulldog puppies for sale Miami, you can hear some funny noises from your English bulldog, and they tend to snore and make wheezing sounds at night.    Bulldogs Need High Maintenance   Generally, bulldogs are not the healthiest breed.  Due to their body shape, size and structure, they can come with various diseases and conditions.    A bizarre jaw structure is suspicious to come with several dental issues. They can have cataracts on the eyes An ear infection that irritates them too much.  Breathing problems, choking risks, stroke due to overeating etc. Pain in the pelvis etc.    It would help if you took care of your pet every time. Make sure to give them adequate food, exercise, and regular supplements.   Choose Right Breeder   For English bulldog puppies, you should find the right English bulldog breeder Miami. A good breeder means your pet will come from a healthy background. You can also find a breeder online and read the reviews. Once you contact the right breeder, ensure the breeder is upfront and honest.    The Bulldogs are Friendly   The Bulldogs are very much loving and gentle. They prefer to have human attention every time and can connect with children. Greatest bonds. Sometimes, they can be dominating and stubborn, so give them proper training. The Bulldogs are no doubt great for the human family, but you should be extra careful when you see other breeds around them.    Conclusion   The Bulldogs are one of the most excellent breeds. But they also need high maintenance. It would help if you took care of them. Get them checked by an experienced vet regularly. If you can give them respect and love them, they will be the best companion for you.      
.Posted in TAYLOR And Love Have 4 Things In Common
In February 2021, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia was dealt what would typically be considered a knockout blow in Washington politics: She lost her seats on House committees, where Congress does much of its work, because she had supported the QAnon conspiracy theory and spread other dangerous misinformation on social media.   But instead of being consigned to political oblivion, Greene has gained clout over the past two years, as my colleague Robert Draper explained in a New York Times Magazine profile of her that published online this morning.   Last month, Greene sat directly behind the House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, as he unveiled his agenda for the midterm elections. Republican candidates often ask Greene to campaign for them. She has become a major fund-raiser within the party. And Greene told Robert she had talked with Donald Trump about being his running mate if he were to run for president in 2024.   “This is not at all what I expected when I began reporting on Greene,” Robert told me.   So how did Greene, who was a political pariah a few years ago, place herself at the center of Republican politics today? Read more   rory eleanor taylor
Introduction to compiling coins in Linux This GUIDE NEEEEEED UPDATED    This guide is will get you started using Linux in an easy to follow manner. For the moment Ubuntu 16 is still the most compatible distro. We will be using Ubuntu 16.o4 Desktop for this demonstration but this guide does apply to most distros.   Prerequisites * Computer with an installation of Linux on it (seriously that's it) Let's begin the first thing you will need to do is find the link to you Terminal sometimes Known as the command prompt, bash, ect . It's a good idea to drag the Terminal launcher to your Launch bar. it should also be noted that you can right-click inside of any directory and select open in terminal. The next thing we're going to do is enter some commands to update our install. I will make all commands Italic as you get more familiar with Linux some of this will be memorized.   First, we're going to run sudo apt-get update Next sudo apt-get upgrade if you are prompted for yes/no just hit the Y key Note you can hit up on the keyboard to see past commands.   The next thing we're going to do is head over to the Litecoin Github to get some more commands from the Linux/Unix Documentation. Most coins will build for you without a fight after installing the Litecoin Dependencies. It's best to grab this next part from their page as they keep it updated. you want to scroll down to  Linux Distribution Specific Instructions ATT there are instructions for multiple Linux distros on this page  we only want the dependencies for ubuntu. NOTE:  After  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin you will need to press enter to accept    EXTRA NOTE: sudo apt-get install qt4-qmake AND sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev AND sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev   Will be needed for a good portion of altcoins including this one  but have been recently removed from the Litecoin readme     Its a good idea to go ahead and grab the optional downloads  also for qt4 qt5 you will need them from time to time.    If that all went ok as planned its time to pick an altcoin to build. for this demonstration ill be using Flapx it builds pretty easy. source files can normally be found by typing the name of the coin and GitHub into a search. It's best to try the official page first to make sure you have the correct link. Before we start building it is a good idea to lay out a folder or two.   Personally, i use 3 folders.   A lab folder to do my compiling in . A run folder to keep the built coins in  A folder to keep both those in my case its named nerdhome   NOTE: its best to keep things lowercase so you don't have  to guess later on how you named something.     Enter your lab folder or whatever you chose to name the directory. Nows a good opportunity to try out that open in terminal option.   On a fresh install of linux, you will need to install git do that with the following command  sudo apt install git Flapxcoin is located So what we need to do to get our a copy the proper way is type in the terminal or copy paste   git clone Now you should have your own copy of flapxcoin.   From here you can enter the root of flapxcoin by typing. cd flapxcoin or you may open a new from inside the folder. We will be building the GUI of the wallet first using qt. we need to start that buy running qmake in the terminal I want to explain this next command if you ignore this part you may crash your compilation. So at this point, we could just type in make and several moments later our new wallet should appear. using make alone only uses one core of your cpu and can take a really really ...... really long time. What im going to fo on my system is tell it to use 6 cores. I will do this by typing  make -j6 this will build literally 6 times faster in most cases NOTE every core would like to have 2GB of ram. so if i have only 4GB of ram and 4 cores and try to use make -j4 there is a chance my compilation will fail and I won't be sure why My current environment is 32GB of ram and 8 cores. since I'm doing other things at the moment that I prefer not to crash, I will be running  make -j6 its really up to your discretion you know your system better than anyone. also.. -j6 does not indicate cores it indicates threads. I am not on a multithreaded system but if I was I could run make -j16 providing I have the prescribed 32GB of ram   at this point, you should have yor flapx wallet built i need to sort a few things out in this guide i will finish it soon   
In this guide we will show you how to fix a stuck explorer and start it back up after a node reboot. NOTE: The folders, commands and locations noted in this guide are for explorers set-up by NerdLabs001 some locations and commands may be different on your node, but we will try to cover the basics that will work on all Iquidius explorers. You will need a SSH client, everything can be done through the SSH Client with commands this will be covered in this guide. There are many SSH clients to choose from feel free to use the one your are most comfortable with, SSH for windows users Putty is available as a free client if you don't have one, Linux and Mac both have built in ones you can use.   NOTE: The ## notes the line of code you will enter do not type the ##.   Fix a stuck Iduidius Explorer SSH onto the node using the recommended way per your client.  First you will need to stop the explorer, if your explorer is using forever instead of screen see below ( Using Forever )    ## screen -r -d (this will take you to the running explorer) ## Ctrl c (to stop explorer) ## cd tmp ## ls (you are looking for and/or you will need to remove both) ## rm (then again for if its there (i.e.. rm ## cd .. ## npm start (You can wait for cronjob to kick in just to make sure it has started updating - you will see lots of numbers scroll past the screen really fast if its updating :grinning: ) Close the SSH client you are done.   Using Forever ## forever list  ## forever stop (then name of process the 4 char one) ## npm stop ## cd tmp ## ls (you are looking for and/or you will need to remove both) ## rm (then again for if its there (i.e.. rm ## cd .. ## forever start -c "npm start" ./  ( this starts the explorer ) Close the SSH client your are done.   Restart a Explorer after a node reboot SSH onto the node using the recommended way per your client. ## cd run ## ./coind -daemon -reindex -txindex (this starts the daemon for the explorer - (may have to press enter after to get the command prompt back) ## cd .. ## sudo systemctl start mongod (it may ask for the password of the root user-same password used to ssh in) ## cd explorer ## cd tmp ## ls (you are looking for and/or you will need to remove both - in this step they may not be there but it is good to check before we move on if they are not there skip next step ( i.e.. rm ## rm (then again for if its there (i.e.. rm ## cd .. ( if using forever see Using Forever to start explorer back up ) ## screen ( then hit enter to get past the text that pops up if it does )  ## npm start  Close the SSH client you are done.    
     For many reasons using subdomains is a far superior way to manage your nodes explorers pools ect. This is a clipnote get it done guide. I figure this is as good of time as any since im helping a friend in the lab set up for his own project. The very first thing your going to need is a domain. You can use any domain you already own as we will be using SUB domains. Is this case ProChef owns . In the spirit of things the five large oceans ie keep in mind it does not matter if ProChef has these set up yet we know he owns .   If you are unable to edit your code or do not own a domain… you will need both those things also keep in mind you will need new wallets built to to use the domain for network connections. So with domains in mind were going to open up our network setting in the net.cpp of SafeSeafood coin . your settings could be in a file called chainparms also. Really they could be in a file named whatever the developer felt like using. If you can't find something similar to this example consider using grep to find keywords like DNS, Seed, Node. thankfully ours is on net.cpp     You may also note ive added . is one of our domains ive set up SSF on a subdomain of ssfdns in the net.cpp this is the domain i will be using to start his chain. Later it can be pointed at the pool or an explorer, another node the SAME NODE (name server redundancy)or nowhere at all. The ability to move your seed nodes or services without a mandatory update to your users mission critical. If you only use ips at some point you are going to have an issue. Now that we have coded our nodes were going to head over to godaddy. You can use other services im starting to use google domains. Godaddy is the most used and easiest. If you don't mind things being slightly more complicated google is cheaper after the 1st year, they have 3 times the amount of nameservers. And easily 50 times more .whatevers to choose from. Also privacy and ssl are FREE. On the other hand you can get a domain for a year at godaddy and then transfer it to google or somewhere else after the year but be forewarned some of the $.99 domains will NOT transfer out as no one else supports them xyz comes to mind. At this point you will have to chose to pay whatever they ask maybe as high as $40 even more if you want privacy, it would have been cheaper to pay google 12-20 a year for the full service they offer.   First were going to sign in and go to domains then all domains then select the dropdown from the right hand side and select Manage DNS From the bottom right of the record list select add Type of record is A Host is our sub domain prefix in this case ssfdns Points to is where the ip for your node or sevice goes TTL .. im not sure its set to one hr and has something to do with how often your info is refreshed because i want it to happen sooner then later ill set it to a custom time of 600 seconds then click save    your sub domain should now show in your records like so    now we can test the subdomain from any teminal  in our case we want to run ping to verify we are up and running and indeed our ping to the subdomain is retuning the ip address we added so were all set as far as the connection keep in mind you need to also have the wallets running on the node to use them also dont be afrade to add extra sub domains to the code you dont have to use them all and you cant just update the wallets the users are holding  its better to have extra when you need them then not enough the wallet will just see them as not working it wont hurt anything          
For anyone else struggling with this.. I used Fusion (Desktop) as it was the one that looked to function close to what a normal wallet does but they have several you must first go here and get a wallet   After the chain is completely downloaded you can find the contract for Dotcoin here this site also functions as an explorer for all tokens on the platform (Dotcoin Contract) 0x94ad7e41c1d44022c4f47cb1ba019fd1a022c536 (Dotcoin) You will then need to go back into your wallet and add a CUSTOM token. When you paste this hash into the window, If everything is correct the rest of the fields will auto populate with the Dotcoin information. Be aware this platform needs gas when you send out transactions the fees are paid in gas. This means you will not be able to sent out Dotcoins till you have some gas to pay for the transaction.
.Posted in Linux Build issues and solutions
How do i deal with a This solution finally worked for me    only thing you have to do (mostly) is to just run ./configure, then make, then make install to install the software to a default location. If you want to change configure options, you can also look at ./configure --help.
.Posted in #1 Introduction to Crypto
A crypto currency is digital money that unlike traditional currency, it is not controlled by any banks or government entities and the creation and movement of crypto currency is recorded on a public ledger called a “blockchain.” Once the information is recorded on the blockchain, it also serves as a permanent preservation of history that cannot be changed. The public ledger can be examined by anyone. Traditional fiat currencies, such as a physical paper reserve note, plastic or coin is backed by a government entity and is controlled and recorded on a private ledger by the banks. Traditionally, physical currencies are created by printing paper currencies or minting coins. However, crypto currencies are created mathematically by solving (also known as hashing) complex mathematical problems called algorithms. The entire process is called mining by using powerful computers to solve the algorithms. The mining process also helps to secure the network and to confirm transactions. Every time an algorithm is solved, a certain amount of crypto currency is awarded and recorded on the blockchain. The newly awarded crypto currency can then be traded on an exchange for other crypto currencies or for goods and services or traded for traditional currencies.
.Posted in #2 Crypto Wallets
Now that you’ve learned what a crypto currency is, how do you go about getting some? First you’ll need a place to store your crypto currency which is known as a wallet. Each wallet is specific to a currency and cannot store multiple types of currencies in the same wallet. So, if you have different types you’ll need a different wallet for each one. The wallet can be downloaded from the specific crypto currency's website. Wallets mainly fall into two categories, online (also known as a hot wallet) which are always connected to the internet and offline (also known as cold storage) that is not connected to the internet. The difference between the two are mainly for security against theft. The great thing crypto currency is that you are in control of your own money and with this responsibility you are also responsible for protecting it by using best practices to keep your crypto currency secure.
.Posted in #8 POS mining
POS Mining also known as Proof Of Stake, is the process of mining, Or Minting, coins. POS is most widely referred to as Staking, some coins are also referring to it as Forging. The idea is to accumulate coins and hold them in an active wallet which will process transaction create new blocks and reward the holder for the work they have done. In POS mining there are Competitive wallets and Passive wallets. Competitive wallets work very similar to how Bitcoin mining works in the sense that you are competing with other miners on the network for a reward in what some call a lottery like system. The more powerful your mining blocks are the better the chance you can get the reward. Passive wallets are much less competitive and generate rewards at a specific time no matter how many people are mining the coin. Some of these have max rewards, some are set up against the difficulty, and other just give a flat rate of return. In competitive wallets it is good to research the wallet, talk with the community and set your blocks up to be as competitive and rewarding as possible. Setting up blocks is done in the Coin Control panel, and you put a certain amount of coins in one input, for example if you have 100,005 coins in a wallet you will use coin control and send 10,000 coins to that same address 10 times to create 10 blocks of 10,000 coins inside your wallet. Once you have an idea of the block sizes recommended then it is best to do your own diligence and test different sizes out until you find the size you want that gives you the reward you would like to generate. Sometimes setting block sizes to large will be a waste of coins, so be careful how large your blocks are, having the largest blocks on the network does not always mean you have the most rewarding wallet per coins held on the network. Equally having the smallest blocks and a lot of them may not be beneficial either, which could be creating blocks to small to gain enough weight on the network to generate an income and would also be a waste of coins and weight. Weight is the amount of power you hold due to your coins, and a lot of coins have a maximum weight on a block of coins. This means after a specified time (30 day or 90 days) those coins in that block stop gaining weight on the network. The longer it takes for a block to stake, the less reward is gained on that block. So setting up Blocks and sizes in the blocks is very important to how much you can plausibly generate from any wallet you use. POS is one of the most efficient ways to mine coins. It consumes very little hardware resources, and you can mine multiple coins on one server or computer.