By: on July 20, 2021
ICO stands for Initial Coin Offering, one of the prominent fundraising methods utilized by startup company or new entrants to gather funds to kickstart the new venture. But ICO launching is not an easy task. It requires you to follow the ICO development guidelines. A reliable and trustworthy ICO’s will get noticed by investors since they do not want to be affected by ICO scams spreads in the world. This blog post will describe the ICO development process and the essential areas that need to be t...
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By: on March 7, 2021
What is an ICO? Initial Coin Offering refers to the process of raising funds for a crypto-based project. The process primarily involves selling a part of digital assets to early investors in exchange for any legal tender or Bitcoin. Why do we Need to Market an ICO? ...
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By: on February 19, 2021
In recent days, crowdfunding is becoming more popular. The most prominent crowdfunding strategy is the Initial coin offering (ICO), which offers crypto tokens in exchange for capital to raise funds. To launch a successful ICO, you need to partner with an ICO development company to execute ICO launching processes. There have been many confusions on Pre ICO, ICO’s. In this blog, get to know about ICO, Pre ICO’s, and how pre-ICO and ICO differ in fundraising. Overview of ICO ...
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By: on January 19, 2021
If an entrepreneur comes up with a brilliant blockchain idea, the first thing that comes to mind is this question. How to launch an ICO for this idea? The simple question bears a rather complicated answer. So in this article, we have put together a beginner’s guide to ICO Launch. Personal or Supported? ICOs can be launched with the right teams and a clear plan. ICO Launches can be categorized into two. Personal Ventures and Supported Ventures. A personal venture requires the owner of the i...
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By: on January 11, 2021
Initial Coin Offering(ICO) is the popular fundraising technique in the crypto market space. ICO mimics the process of the reservation system. YES! Before the launch of cryptocurrency, the start-up team reserves and pre-sales a certain amount of tokens to the “whitelist” investors who are potential to invest in the project. The ICO fundraising project receives capital in the form of BTC, ETH, Litecoin, XRP, and other popular fiat currencies.  In general, the purpose of ICO is to promote the ci...
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