by on October 27, 2023

Monk Fruit Extract - A Natural Sweetener Up to 250 Times Sweeter Than Sucrose

Monk fruit extract is derived from the small melon known as luo han guo, which is native to southern China. It’s cultivated for its sweet mogrosides, which create a sweetness sensation that is 250 times stronger than sucrose.

It’s a natural sweetener that’s safe for diabetics and has no calories or carbs. It’s also stable at high temperatures, making it suitable for baked goods.


It’s a natural sweetener

Monk fruit extract is a natural sweetener that’s up to 250 times as sweet as sugar and other botanical extract. It’s a healthy alternative to sugar that you can enjoy in a variety of foods and beverages without worrying about calories or carbs.

It’s made from the juice of a small, round melon-esque fruit that grows in the mountains of southern China and is named after Buddhist monks who first cultivated it centuries ago (via Healthline). The extract is derived from the antioxidants in the fruit called mogrosides.

These antioxidants are a major reason why the fruit is sweet, but they’re also known to fight off certain diseases and improve digestion, according to Amy Shapiro, M.S., R.D., C.D.N., founder of Real Nutrition.

After the fruits are harvested, manufacturers crush them to extract their juices. The juice is then filtered to remove any of the sugars it contains, like glucose and fructose.

What remains is dehydrated to create a pure, monk fruit extract. This extract is then sold in granular or liquid forms for use in food and drink products.

You can substitute monk fruit extract for half the sugar in recipes, but it’s best to keep track of how much you’re using. Because it’s so sweet, it’s difficult to balance out its flavor in baking dishes and sauces, so make sure you use recipes that are specifically designed for monk fruit extract.

Some brands blend monk fruit extract is a natural plant extract with erythritol and dextrose to help balance out its intense sweetness. The erythritol makes the extract look and feel more like regular sugar, while the dextrose helps it taste similar to other sweeteners.


It’s low in calories

Monk fruit extract is low in calories because it’s metabolized differently by the body than sugar. It’s also rich in antioxidants, which can reduce oxidative stress, the buildup of free radicals that can cause chronic diseases.

It’s also a good choice for dieters because it won’t raise blood sugar like other sweeteners do, says nutrition expert Cara Harbstreet, M.S. R.D. L.D., of Street Smart Nutrition.

A teaspoon of granulated sugar has 16 calories, while a tablespoon of monk fruit extract has zero. This makes it an excellent option for diabetics, who often struggle to meet their calorie needs with standard table sugar.

Some manufacturers add additional ingredients to monk fruit extract, like stevia or erythritol, which can help to tone down its sweetness, says Ali Ehsani, a registered dietitian and author of “Sweeten Your Life.” Others may use tapioca fiber, chicory root, cellulose gum or xylitol as sweeteners in their products.

These added ingredients can add more calories and carbs to the diet, so be sure to check the label of any pre-packaged monk fruit extract product you buy, warns Glassman. She recommends consuming this type of sweetener in powdered or granule form, in packets similar to stevia and table sugar, and using it sparingly in baked goods, beverages, sauces, and salad dressings.

Losing and maintaining your weight requires a balanced approach with botanical powder that includes healthy eating, exercise, and behavioral changes. Swapping low-calorie, sugar-containing foods for healthier ones is one step in the right direction, but it’s not a magic bullet. That’s why it’s important to eat healthfully and exercise regularly, along with maintaining social support networks, to maintain a healthy weight.

It’s low in sugar

Monk fruit is a small, round melon-like fruit that earned its name from the Chinese Buddhist monks who first cultivated it centuries ago. It is sweeter than sugar and contains mogrosides that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Although it is naturally sweet, monk fruit extract is a low-calorie alternative to sugar that can help you lose weight without feeling hungry. It is also a good choice for people who are trying to maintain a healthy weight, since it helps you feel full and avoid cravings.

Unlike other nonnutritive sweeteners, including saccharine and sucralose, which alter your gut microbiome and can cause gastric side effects, monk fruit does not impact your digestive system in any way. In fact, it is safe for pregnant women and nursing women.

It’s also a great option for people with diabetes, as it is an effective antidiabetic. In fact, a number of studies have shown that monk fruit extract can help manage blood sugar levels by targeting the body’s antioxidants towards pancreatic cells, increasing insulin secretion and lowering glycemic levels.

But, even though it’s a great choice for most people, it is important to remember that monk fruit sweetener is still sugar, so use a moderate amount of it in your recipes and don’t use it every time you want to add sweetness. It can quickly become overwhelming and you may find yourself using more than you need.

If you are interested in using monk fruit extract as a sweetener, talk to your doctor about it first. This will help you decide if it is right for you and your health goals. It may help you decrease your overall calorie intake and fight sugar cravings, but it is not a replacement for healthy foods like fruits or whole grains.

It’s high in antioxidants

Monk fruit extract is made from the antioxidants found in the sweet part of the monk fruit, called mogrosides. This is then extracted and processed to create a sugar alternative up to 250 times sweeter than sucrose (table sugar) with no calories, carbs, or fat.

The antioxidants in monk fruit also help prevent the development of diabetes and cancer. These compounds may also help maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract, and they can protect your immune system from disease by preventing the growth of unwanted microbes.

In addition, it’s high in vitamins and minerals, including lycopene, beta-carotene, and vitamin C. These can help fight oxidative stress, which is linked to diseases like diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s.

Studies have shown that mogrosides from monk fruit can suppress the growth of colorectal and throat cancer cells, while promoting apoptosis in pancreatic cancer. In fact, these antioxidants are considered one of the best natural anti-cancer agents available.

It’s also an excellent calorie-free option for dieters who need to cut back on their calories and carb intake. This is because monk fruit extract contains zero calories, which makes it an ideal substitute for table sugar.

However, if you’re concerned about its flavor, be sure to look for products that don’t contain additional ingredients, such as molasses and a sugar alcohol called erythritol. They can sometimes leave a bitter aftertaste, says Ehsani.

In addition, monk fruit is an excellent source of potassium and magnesium. These minerals have been shown to promote heart health and lower blood pressure. Additionally, they can increase a person’s energy level and reduce inflammation. It’s also an excellent source of iron, zinc, and calcium. This makes it a healthy choice for people of all ages.

It’s safe for diabetics

Monk fruit extract is safe for diabetics because it doesn’t affect blood sugar levels and is a great option for people on keto diets. It can also be used by children and pregnant women.

Unlike artificial sweeteners, monk fruit extract doesn’t have any side effects. In fact, it has been deemed Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) by the Food and Drug Administration.

Because of this, it is an ideal sweetener for diabetics like with Red Clover Extract who are looking for a healthier alternative to refined sugar. In addition, it’s a natural source of antioxidants, and research suggests that it can help lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol, and reduce inflammation.

It is also a good source of vitamin C, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. These nutrients are important for a healthy body and can help prevent diseases like cancer and heart disease.

In addition to being naturally sweet, monk fruit extract is also low in calories and fat. This makes it a great choice for those on a diabetes-healthy eating plan that emphasizes mindful portions and the consumption of healthy fats, as well as limiting saturated and trans fats.

As with all sugar substitutes, you should use it sparingly. It’s not necessary in a healthy eating pattern, but it can be a helpful option for those who want to avoid added sugars without losing sweetness or flavor.

Whether you’re using monk fruit extract or another sugar substitute, be sure to check the label. Some brands may blend their monk fruit sweetener with additives, such as erythritol or dextrose, which can add calories.

Some brands of monk fruit extract include stevia, which is an ingredient with few side effects. Other brands mix it with erythritol or dextrose to enhance its taste and appearance, and some even add a small amount of maltodextrin, tagatose, or inulin to give it more of a natural texture. This can change the sweetness, and it’s not a good idea to use more than 1 tablespoon per cup of liquid in any recipe or beverage.


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