by on September 6, 2023

Some dolls are very small, only about 140 cm. Due to the realism of dolls these days, you might want to buy dolls that are closer to reality in size, but in reality, 160cm sex dolls are just as uniquely attractive.

Weight advantage One of the appeal and advantages of short 140 cm sex dolls is their weight. The doll is very light because it is short. And this "calmness" is a very important point when dealing with love dolls.

easy to wear
The characteristic of the love doll is that it seeps oil and becomes greasy, and dirt such as dust and hair will stick to the skin, so there is a way to wash off this dirt when taking a bath. In this case, with a heavier big ass sex doll, it can be difficult to transport it to the bathroom or move it after cleaning. However, love dolls are easy to handle because they are very light in performing these actions.

reduce the risk of tearing
Second, and perhaps surprisingly, under sizing a love doll reduces the risk of tearing, one of the most common types of doll breakage. Since the inside of the doll contains metal as a skeleton, the stresses from holding the doll and the silicone or TPE sandwiched between the skeleton metal increase the risk of this part breaking. Even if you have a cheap sex doll that is also petite, the burden will be less due to the lighter weight.

More storage options. Due to its small size, the petite love doll has another advantage, that is, it can be better stored. Even packed in a cardboard box, it can be shipped, e.g.: B. Stored in an attic or upper part of a closet.


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