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by on April 25, 2023

If you are beginning from scratch, you have the chance to create the perfect username. You want it to be easy for people to say and spell, and preferably relevant to you and your niche. Ideally, you should have the same username on all your social profiles, so your TikTok fans will know when they have found your YouTube, Twitch, and Instagram channels.

Create a TikTok account

To create a TikTok account, download the app and follow the registration process. When setting up your profile, choose a username that is easy to say and spell, and relevant to your niche. Keep in mind the importance of privacy and avoid giving away too much personal information on your profile.

Choose a username that is easy to say and spell, relevant to your niche, and consistent across all your social profiles. Your profile should also make it clear what type of videos you intend to share, and why people would want to follow you.

Publish TikTok videos

When uploading videos, follow TikTok's content guidelines and be mindful of giving away too much personal information or sharing potentially compromising content. Use the preferred aspect ratio of 1080x1920, include relevant hashtags and a catchy thumbnail image, and pick appropriate categories for your videos.

Producing consistent content is also key to building your audience. Establish a regular pattern for your videos, and aim to create a unique style that sets you apart from other creators in your niche. You may also consider adding short "slice of life" videos to help your audience get to know you better.

Increase TikTok Followers with Tiktok Counter

Tiktok Counter is a tool that provides influencers with a guide to their earning potential. To grow your follower count, it's crucial to know your audience and create videos that cater to their interests. With Tiktok Counter you can analyze your audience demographics and track your follower growth. Consider collaborating with other TikTok users in your field to reach a wider audience.

It is worth mentioning that not all TikTok Counters can provide users with convenient services. In order to experience a better TikTok analysis effect, you can choose a site such as TikTrace, which is an online analysis site for TikTok user data. You can use the Tiktok Counter service in TikTrace to track the number of TikTok fans, videos, likes and more. You can also analyze and compare multiple users at the same time. In addition, Download TikTok Videos Without Watermark is another major feature of TikTrace. No need to register, just click on the page to use it directly, very convenient.

How to use Tiktok Counter to analyze competitors

Tiktok Counter can also be used to analyze your competitors' performance. Study their content and engagement rates to identify what works and what doesn't. Look for gaps in the market and create content that fills those niches. Don't copy their content, but use it as inspiration to create unique and engaging content for your audience.


To build a complete TikToker image, register a TikTok account with a relevant username and keep your profile information private. Publish videos that comply with TikTok's guidelines and cater to your audience's interests. Use Tiktok Counter to grow your follower count and analyze competitors to create unique and engaging content. With these tips, you can establish your identity as a TikToker and build a strong following.  More:

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