The fastest way of finding wide shoes is to select wide shoes under specialty shoes in the shoes department. You can also select women shoes and look for wide shoes under specialty shoes.
Alternatives are a great idea. If you love stilettos, but you are unable to carry them off with elan and elegance, you should choose another type. Wedges would be a good idea as they provide you with the height and the comfort too. In this type, you will not be falling around and your purpose will be sufficed too. Purchasing Women Slippers is a good idea as you can benefit Golden Goose Shoes from the exciting discounts and reduced prices. In this way, shopping from virtual stores will be easy on your pocket.
The discount prices usually vary in the range 25%-40%. However, be careful that you buy genuine shoes and do not end up buying the fake ones. If there is an excessively low price, then there is a big possibility of the shoes being a sham.