by on February 26, 2023

Spiral Quick-Freezing Machine Vs Tunnel Quick-Freezing Machine

A spiral quick-freezing machine is a high efficient freezing system that can freeze large quantity olproducts in limited space. Typically, spiral freezers use mechanical or cryogenic refrigeration methods and pump high-velocity air over the product in either a horizontal (crossflow) or vertical (downflow) arrangement.

Spiral freezers maintain the moisture, flavor, and texture of the products during the freezing process. This makes them ideal for a variety of frozen food applications such as pizzas, ice cream, and ready-made meals.

Structural design

A spiral quick-freezing machine is a kind of quick freezing equipment which adopts a special self-stacking belt made of food grade stainless steel suS304. It has a high degree of safety, sanitation and good heat exchange effect, so it is a popular equipment for modern quick-frozen food factories.

The structure of the Spiral Quick-freezing Machine is unique, which can be customized according to the specific requirements of the customers. For example, the diameter of the cage can be adjusted, and the height of the inlet and outlet devices can be changed accordingly.

This type of equipment also has a unique symmetrical circular air duct design, which increases the heat exchange effect. It is a cost-effective and energy-saving freezing system.

The spiral quick-freezing machine uses high-velocity liquid nitrogen as its freezing medium to provide a cold environment for the frozen products and save power consumption. It is also easy to clean and maintain. In addition, it is suitable for large-scale productions with a long residence time.


IQF Tunnel Freezer at Rs 15000000/unit | IQF Freezer in Bengaluru | ID:  22951504455

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Heating system

Spiral quick-freezing machines are a type of tunnel freezer designed for freezing multiple foods such as fried foods, meat and vegetables. In addition to providing excellent freeze efficiency, spiral freezers are energy-efficient and easy to operate.

Strict product hygiene is achieved by utilizing a two-part pasteurization process with separate heating and cooling areas. In the first area, the food is heated evenly and quickly to kill harmful bacteria and prevent spoilage.

In the second area, the products are cooled to maintain freshness and ensure quality. The system is also flexible and can be adapted to accommodate different product types and sizes.

A patented heat exchange system in the spiral coil ensures an optimal air flow across the product. This allows the air in recirculation to pass directly through the coil and avoids accumulated ice packing on the fins. In addition, it allows the coil to be positioned closer to the product. This reduces energy consumption, improves the air flow and results in a faster freezing and retention time.

Refrigeration system

GEA spiral freezers and chillers maximize heat transfer through high-efficiency airflow and evaporator design to deliver superior product quality. These systems satisfy industry requirements while saving energy to increase profits.

Unlike tunnel freezers, Spiral Fluidized IQF Freezer cool large quantities of products in a small space to preserve quality and maintain productivity. They also use a self-stacking, multi-tiered mesh belt system to save space in the plant.

To further improve the freezing efficiency of a spiral quick-freezing machine, it is designed with a fully enclosed arc air guide channel. It ensures an even, uniform freezing environment for the product.

The spiral quick-freezing machine is suitable for frozen potato chips fries, banana/plantain chips, vegetable chips and so on. It can be customized according to the product and customer's requirements.

A spiral quick-freezing machine uses a food-grade stainless steel conveyor belt to guarantee safety and sanitation. It is easy to operate and clean. It also comes with a central control system and automatic detection and alarm devices


New Design Deep Freezer Machine Iqf Frozen Tunnel for Fast Food Freezing,  Commercial & Industrial, Industrial Equipment on Carousell

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Control system

Spiral Tunnel Quick-freezing Machine operate on a belt with evaporator fans operating at a defined speed to maintain air flow across product while removing heat from the enclosed space. Using advanced controls, spiral freezers can be dynamically adjusted to better meet the load as it varies.

This helps facilities save energy while maintaining optimal performance for a variety of products, including those that are subject to seasonal impacts due to ingredient temperatures. Additionally, it can improve product quality and reduce labor costs as automated product changeovers remove the need to interact with equipment each day.

Traditionally, spiral freezers have not been fully integrated with the main refrigeration and production control systems. This creates an "island of automation" that can lead to setpoint changes not being updated and can affect product temperature and end use impact.

For example, if a facility is changing over from a product that requires a -10degF box temperature to one that requires a -20degF box temperature and the setpoint for the freezer is not changed, there’s a risk that warm (or soft) product will pass quality checks. This also impacts workflow for other departments as a product that’s too warm can pull resources from other tasks.


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