by on September 12, 2021

BioWare brings more planned combat style changes to SWTOR PTS 7.0, including snipers and agents, and new UI elements. Recently, the official release of all the new content of the latest update of SWTOR PTS 7.0, players have already seen it quickly. In fact, the constantly updated games can remain attractive to players and make them willing to buy SWTOR Money.  

They have synchronized the changes of snipers and agents to PTS, and players can already experience them. For the first time, players have seen the new UI version of the combat proficiency screen, which will replace the disciplines and utilities in 7.0. The optimized fighting style will give players a better gaming experience and will also attract them to buy SWTOR Credits.   

The updated combat proficiency screen also applies to the guardian and sentinel changes, so players on PTS can now choose their own build. Before that, players generally could only use the build provided by the developer. Although not all proficiency levels are fully effective, players can still experience the desired effect. Good fighting style will stimulate players to Buy SWTOR Credits.  

But in fact, many players still find this game too difficult. Because they have not committed Star Wars The Old Republic to trying to teach people how to play. This is the major problem of the entire SWTOR history. The lack of teaching content will cause many players to be unable to truly invest time and energy in the game. It will also discourage their enthusiasm to buy SWTOR Credits.

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