by on December 6, 2022

In the crypto world, locking up liquidity is a major issue that can lead to loss of trust and investment. Openlock is the leading liquidity locker because it provides proof that you cannot rugpull the project, take the money and run away. This is important for investors, who want to know that they're not going to lose their money if they invest in a project. Openlock's technology ensures that once tokens are locked up, they cannot be withdrawn without first being unlocked by the project team at an agreed-upon time. 

Posted in: Crypto
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I agree, this is an important topic. Thanks for sharing it with us! I'm not sure how I feel about the idea of locking liquidity, but it's great to have a useful tool like this one to help people make decisions.
December 6, 2022
archy bows
I think it's great that you're sharing this, because I think it's an important topic. This is a really useful tool for getting a sense of what tokens are being used for and where they are being used. It's also just a fun way to see what's going on with the cryptocurrency market in general.
December 6, 2022