Lisa Brown
by on March 8, 2021

Using TurboTax you can easily file your state & federal taxes online. It has somewhat become imperative for us to Install TurboTax. But before installing TurboTax, it is best to go to the entire open program and close them, including the virus protection program. Do not use guest accounts or standard user accounts to log on to Windows, so access using an account with administrator privileges. Make sure to have internet access from the computer. Alternatively, you can have access on the phone.

Steps To Install TurboTax On Your PC

For a smooth TurboTax activation process on the internet, you should consider disabling antivirus, fireball, etc. and then go ahead with the process of Installation:

  • Firstly, open the Downloads folder or the location where you downloaded the TurboTax installer.
  • For the installation process, double-click the TurboTax installer. The TurboTax installer file name is TurboTaxXXXX_*YYYY.exe, where XXXX represents the tax year, and *YYYY represents the build number.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions, clicking Nextto move through the process.
  • On the Ready to install screen, select Install, and once the installation is complete, select Finish.
  • Then, Enter Installation Key window appears.
  • Enter your installation key and select Next. Then, choose activation method appears.

By following the above process, you can easily install TurboTax. If you face any issues while installing the software, then you may seek technical support in that case.

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Posted in: Technology
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