on May 22, 2019 369 views

John from visits WTF Mushroom Farm near Kelowna, BC Canada and shares with you how you can grow mushrooms and make $100k in a growing season.

In this episode, John will give you a tour of WTF Mushroom farm in B.C. Canada. You will discover how they grow over a dozen varieties of mushrooms in greenhouses outdoors.

You will discover how old trees can be used to grow gourmet mushrooms that can be sold for $10-$20 a pound.

You will learn the entire process of growing mushrooms using the best practices to ensure success with minimal contamination.

You will discover how mushrooms are being grown in inexpensive, temporary greenhouses with a shade cloth during the growing season.

You will learn how many pounds of mushrooms you can produce in a portable greenhouse and how much money you can sell them for.

Finally, John will interview Brian Callow, the farmer that makes $100k in just 6 months growing mushrooms during a growing season.

Jump to the Following Part of this Episode:
01:00 Wood is a valuable resource
03:07 Purchase a GYG Tee Shirt to Help support me
03:44 Using Waste Woodchips to Grow Mushrooms
04:52 Using a hammer mill to reduce woodchip size
05:46 Specific Ingredients Fed to Mushrooms to increase yield
07:45 Mushrooms grow in breathable grow bags
10:06 Sterilizing of the Grow Bags to grow mushrooms
12:28 Entering the lab
13:00 Fridge full of different types of mushrooms
16:25 List of different types of mushrooms they are growing
18:10 Sterilized Bags ready for being inoculated
19:00 Clean Room
19:55 Inoculated Mushrooms starting to grow
21:30 Greenhouse Growing Mushrooms
22:30 Mushroom Grow Room
23:20 How much one room of mushrooms can grow
24:20 Contaminated Grow Bags
25:00 Reusing spent mushroom growing medium
26:50 Fresh harvested mushrooms
28:10 Interview with Brian the Mushroom Farmer
28:34 Why did you start growing mushrooms?
29:40 Is it really that easy to grow mushrooms?
30:56 How you can get different cultures of strains of mushroom spores?
32:40 How do mushrooms break down?
33:30 What benefits are the mushroom compost?
34:15 What other revenue streams do you have to increase revenue?
35:25 How you can start your own mushroom farm?
38:00 What are some of the health benefits of mushrooms?
39:40 How are cultivated mushrooms different than wild mushrooms?
41:20 Is the flavor different of wild vs cultivated mushrooms?
42:35 Any final words of wisdom
43:00 How can someone contact you to start a mushroom and grow mushrooms?

After watching this episode, you will learn the entire process of growing mushrooms and how you can grow mushrooms and make $100,000 in a growing season.

Referenced and Related Episodes:
Fungal Dominated Compost Episode

Millipoo Episode

How to grow microgreens

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