6 Problems With Modern Schooling System.
6 Problems With Modern Schooling System. Share your thoughts and comments below.
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Illumeably - Angela Lee Duckworth, a teacher turned psychologist, reveals what factor determines whether a student will succeed or fail.
Angela Lee Duckworth, a teacher turned psychologist, reveals what factor determines whether a student will succeed or fail. Read: http://www.illumeably.com/2017/07/27/success-vs-failure/ Credit: TED
After watching this, your brain will not be the same | Lara Boyd | TEDxVancouver
In a classic research-based TEDx Talk, Dr. Lara Boyd describes how neuroplasticity gives you the power to shape the brain you want. Recorded at TEDxVancouver at Rogers Arena on November 14, 2015.
YouTube Tags: brain science, brain, stroke, neuroplasticity, science, motor learning, identity, TED, TEDxVancouver, TEDxVancouver 2015, Vancouver, TEDx, Rogers Arena, Vancouver speakers, Vancouver conference, ideas worth spreading, great idea,
Our knowledge of the brain is evolving at a breathtaking pace, and Dr. Lara Boyd is positioned at the cutting edge of these discoveries. In 2006, she was recruited by the University of British Columbia to become the Canada Research Chair in Neurobiology and Motor Learning. Since that time she has established the Brain Behaviour Lab, recruited and trained over 40 graduate students, published more than 80 papers and been awarded over $5 million in funding.
Dr. Boyd’s efforts are leading to the development of novel, and more effective, therapeutics for individuals with brain damage, but they are also shedding light on broader applications. By learning new concepts, taking advantage of opportunities, and participating in new activities, you are physically changing who you are, and opening up a world of endless possibility.
The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything | Josh Kaufman | TEDxCSU
Josh Kaufman is the author of the #1 international bestseller, 'The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business', as well as the upcoming book 'The First 20 Hours: Mastering the Toughest Part of Learning Anything.' Josh specializes in teaching people from all walks of life how to master practical knowledge and skills. In his talk, he shares how having his first child inspired him to approach learning in a whole new way.
One Simple Method to Learn Any Language | Scott Young & Vat Jaiswal | TEDxEastsidePrep
While few of us will ever take on the ambitious challenge of learning four foreign languages in a year, many of us yearn to be more proficient in another language. The secret to success as it turns out is simpler than you think.
Scott Young is a blogger, speaker and author. He previously spoke at TEDx EastsidePrep about his project “The MIT Challenge” to self-test MIT’s undergraduate computer science curriculum in one year, using their freely available information. His most recent project was with Vat Jaiswal, traveling to four countries, learning languages, with the goal of not speaking English for an entire year. He writes about learning and self-education at his website, ScottHYoung.com.
Vat Jaiswal is a graduate student, aspiring architect and filmmaker. His most recent project was with Scott Young on The Year Without English, where he traveled through Spain, Brazil, China, Taiwan and Korea creating four short documentaries on language learning and cultural immersion. He shares his work, including experimental time-lapse photography and an interview series with successful architects, at vatjaiswal.com
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Can you learn the hardest language in the world? | Irina Pravet | TEDxOtaniemiED
Irina’s talk at TEDxOtaniemiED is titled ‘Can you learn the hardest language in the world?’ and delves into the increasingly relevant topic of foreign-language speakers learning Finnish. Irina provides examples of unique and interesting yet highly effective methods for learning Finnish - the so-called hardest language in the world.
The talk is illustrated with Sketchnotes by Linda Saukko-Rauta at www.redanredan.fi.
Born in Romania, raised in Canada and now living in Finland, Irina Pravet has been translating herself across cultures and languages for as long as she can remember. She does not believe in the existence of a fixed set of ‘language learning talents’, instead she believes that we all have the ability to succeed in learning a new language by being strategic, having fun and playing with our natural strengths. Currently Irina is a Finnish language & transitions abroad coach at www.languagecatalyst.com.
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GERM that kills schools: Pasi Sahlberg at TEDxEast
Activist & Education Director Pasi Sahlberg brings what he has learned from the education system in his native Finland to United States' parents, teachers and policy makers.
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'What if Finland's Great Teachers Taught in Your Schools?' Pasi Sahlberg - WISE 2013 Focus
Many governments are under political and economic pressure to turn their school systems around for higher rankings in the international league tables.
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Should The World Adopt Finland's Education System?
Starting age is 7, days last no longer than 5 hours (which typically start at around 9-9:30 AM), 15 minute breaks in between lessons, segregation by one's ability is illegal, one formal examination in a student's entire primary and secondary school career; yet Finnish students have been proven to be one of the highest scoring group of individuals worldwide in regards to academics, so surely Finland must be doing something right
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