Rosetta Alison
on January 3, 2020
How do Decentralized Exchange Software works?
A DEX Exchange Software is a one which doesn’t rely on third-party to complete their transaction. If you look at the popular centralized exchange such as Coinbase, Bittrex manages the individual’s capital which is nothing but the private keys and facilitates trading. This has actually lead to possible hacks in profiles leaving the investors with potential losses!
This has been the reason why Decentralized Exchange Software was introduced. In these exchanges, there is no such intermediary involved. You are completely responsible and can control your transactions.
Okay, coming to your question, this how Decentralized exchange works!
A Token Owner places an Order
In order to exchange his/her assets with someone on DEX Exchange, the token owner specified the total number of units they have to sell, the cost of the token and duration until which bidding for their assets is allowed!
Once the selling order is set, other users can submit their bids by signaling a buy order.
Once the time set by the seller expires, the bids will be reviewed by both the parties.
Yes, this is how DEX Exchange Software works!
Hope this helps!
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