

Hey, we're Ninjafist! We've been helping people buy real Instagram followers and likes since many years.


We know that when you're trying to market a product or service online, you don't have the time to waste on things like fakes or bots. You need to cheap buy Instagram likes —and we can help.


We'll find the right people for you who are interested in what you have to offer and will share it with their friends. They'll retweet, comment, and like what they see so that everyone else sees it too. It's a beautiful thing.


You can choose from our variety of options to 100 real instagram followers you need—depending on your budget and goals. We guarantee 100% satisfaction every time!

John Bright
If you're committed to growing your Instagram profile, you understand that it requires a considerable amount of effort. One of the fundamental strategies is to prioritize quality promotion, and a powerful way to achieve this is by leveraging This service allows you to buy profile visits to your Instagram account, which can significantly enhance your profile visit statistics. This increased visibility increases the likelihood of new visitors following you or engaging with your content, ultimately resulting in more growth and engagement for your profile. This service can be an excellent tool for businesses on Instagram seeking to expand their reach and influence.
Johny Mickel
Are you eager to enhance your Instagram presence and receive greater engagement? Consider exploring the Instagram targeted likes service at With the purchase of Instagram likes, your content can reach a wider audience and draw in more followers to your account. This service can be an effective tool in elevating your Instagram profile. Don't hesitate to give it a try and witness the impact it can have on your Instagram success!