Jerry Catherin

Wazirx is a famous Indian cryptocurrency exchange platform that makes the exchange much easier for Indian and global clients. Wazirx offers 100+ cryptocurrency exchanges and trading, including WRX tokens.

Wazirx clone script is a crypto exchange that replicates the existing original wazirx platform with developed additional features and functionalities. It is a highly scalable,seamless and robust platform. It is also a customizable platform, that is the features can be modified based on your business requirements.

Why Wazirx clone script?

Many cryptocurrency exchange platforms are not supporting the Indian currencies. But wazirx supports most of the global currencies and also Indian currencies. Even Though at first India didn't show much interest in cryptocurrency, now most of the young cryptopreneus are emerging from India. So starting a cryptocurrency exchange like wazirx will be a profitable money making idea. By Launching your own Wazirx clone script you can provide opportunities for many Indians to make exchanges on cryptocurrencies. Wazirx clone script also provides you with a number of features and  functionalities. 

Features and benefits of Wazirx clone script:

2 factor authentication

Advance UI/UX design 

Trading bot

QR scan security

Geographical tracking 

Public and private key security facility

KYC/AML verification

Posting secure ads on the exchange platform

Supports multiple wallets

Supports more than 100+ cryptocurrencies

Flexible payment gateway

QR code scanner

High speed transaction

Where to get a Wazirx clone script?

Starting a cryptocurrency exchange like wazirx is not a big deal, there are a number of cryptocurrency exchange development companies available in the cryptospace. They are ready to provide you with the ready-made solution of the wazirx clone script. If you are looking to develop your best features for a cryptocurrency exchange like wazirx, I suggest you, WeAlwin technologies - A leading cryptocurrency exchange development company with a team of expert developers. Being a top Cryptocurrency exchange development company they are providing the professional, User-friendly and secure Binance clone script. Get connected with the best team and start your DeFi projects instantly. They have a ready-made solution of cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance that can be launched instantly. 

Get a free demo >> 

Whatsapp/Telegram: 8056565980

Skype: live:info_945986



Rosetta Alison

All we know, WazirX is one of the top crypto exchanges in the cryptocurrency industry. Within a short period, wazirx has become the most popular exchange. Anyhow, have you wondered how WazirX gets a drastic improvement in a year? The reason is - After legalizing the crypto in India only a few exchanges like WazirX are providing the INR → Crypto trade pair. Because India is considered as a world’s efficient marketing place. Many entrepreneurs have seen the outcome of WazirX and that made them start a crypto exchange like WazirX. But most business people have one question - Which is the efficient way to launch a crypto exchange like wazirx & How much does it cost??? Here is the answer.

Which is the efficient way to launch a crypto exchange like wazirx & How much does it cost???

Many young entrepreneurs & startups have this question. Generally, you launch an exchange platform in 2 ways.

  • Develop from scratch
  • Get the Wazirx Clone Script from the trusted script provider & launch your exchange instantly.

In these methods, one of the safest & cost-effective ways to launch a crypto exchange like WazirX is - Get the Wazirx Clone Script from the trusted script provider.

Benefits of WazirX Clone Script: 

  • Customizing options - WazirX clone script provider will help you to build your cryptocurrency exchange platform based on your business needs.
  • Monitor and Engage - You can easily monitor the work process
  • Beta module - You can test your exchange in the Beta module
  • Cost-effective - WazirX clone script cost of development will be around $ 8k - 12k (It may vary based on the requirements.)
  • Time-Period - You can launch your exchange within 1 week
  • Fully secured, bug-free & adv trading features. 

Best Trading & Security Features:

  • Multi-language
  • IEO launchpad, 
  • Crypto wallet,
  • Instant buying/selling cryptocurrencies
  • Staking and lending
  • Live trading charts with margin trading API and futures 125x trading
  • Stop limit order and stop-loss orders
  • Limit maker orders
  • Multi-cryptocurrencies Support
  • Referral options
  • Admin panel
  • Perpetual swaps
  • Advanced UI/UX 
  • Security Features [HTTPs authentication, Biometric authentication, Jail login, Data encryption, Two-factor authentication, SQL injection prevention, Anti Denial of Service(DoS), Cross-Site Request Forgery(CSRF) protection, Server-Side Request Forgery(SSRF) protection, Escrow services, Anti Distributed Denial of Service] 

It’s very impressive right!!! But all the WazirX clone script providers are not offering the best service for the startups. Only noted crypto exchange software providers like Coinsclone offering all these services at a budget-friendly price, to know the exact price check here >>> Cost to Build a Cryptocurrency Exchange like WazirX

For more inquiries, feel free to connect their business experts via, 

Whatsapp/Telegram: +919500575285 


Skype: live:hello_20214

For a Free Live Demo, visit @ WazirX Clone Scrip