Stepping aside from PFP, Utility is gradually emerging as a critical component of NFTs and other tokens created simply for their collection value. And that is exactly what NFT marketplaces for game assets accomplish. Gamers get entire ownership of the asset when NFTs are integrated into a game. Sure, users can use the asset to generate money in P2E games, but they can also sell it on marketplaces or rent it out! Furthermore, NFTs allow users to personalize their avatars.
These tokens require their own trading space after we discussed NFTs for the music industry. The NFT marketplace is the best place to trade tokens. These unique stages are run by smart agreements that have been pre-coded and created using blockchain technology. The NFT music marketplace is utilized by numerous independent musicians to promote their albums as tokens and encourage asset trading as premium revenue models. 
Due to the widespread acceptance of non-fungible tokens, numerous modifications to the existing model have been implemented to meet the requirements of global governments and businesses. While the idea of trading digital collectibles was first introduced by NFT Marketplace for trading, SBTs exploded without trading capabilities. Soul Bound Tokens, or SBTs, are likewise computerized resources that can't be traded. It will never change its identity. This makes it difficult to forge and steal official documents, which can be used for a variety of processes. 
Players can earn rewards while playing the game, in the NFT marketplace for gaming assets. Items, coins, or virtual currency are all examples of these. Rating, sharing, commenting, and other forms of interaction with other players may also be part of them. NFT gaming is also used to get people to play and use apps for longer periods of time. Free NFTs may, for instance, be offered to users who participate in a survey or event.