Rogue FCC Ignoring Majority of Americans That Support Net Neutrality
A study by Emprata—funded by ISPs—found that 98.5% of "unique" comments submitted to the FCC (that is, comments written by individuals and not submitted using automatically generated text forms) oppose the repeal of Title II net neutrality regulations. Additionally, findings from public opinion polls conducted by Morning Consult, Mozilla, and others have found that a majority of Americans support net neutrality. So if the FCC, an agency filled with unelected bureaucrats, is supposed to listen to the public before voting on sweeping regulatory changes... why is the FCC blatantly ignoring the public when it comes to the repeal of net neutrality?
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Ajit Pai Reluctantly Admits Repeal of Net Neutrality Poses "Risk" for Consumers
Ajit Pai went off script in an interview with Vice News and reluctantly admitted that there is, in fact, a risk to repealing net neutrality. He made it clear, however, that he simply doesn't care about said risk, and assured Americans that the government won't completely stop regulating the internet after he strips away their power to do just that.
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Net Neutrality [RAP NEWS 25]
RAP NEWS 25: NET NEUTRALITY. Having covered conflicts in distant lands, we now turn our attention to our own native homeland, the Internet; where the battle for the hypersphere has reached new heights, as netizens take up arms against Telcoms and the FCC, to preserve the fundamental ethos that made the Internet what it is today: Net Neutrality. What is Net Neutrality, and why is it so important to the future of the Internet? Find out by joining Robert Foster as he takes a whimsical trip into the World Wide Web, with its founder Tim Berners-Lee. Let's just hope no shady mega-corporatist, elite oligarchic malefactors pop up to mess with us on the way... Written & created by Giordano Nanni & Hugo Farrant in a suburban backyard home studio in Melbourne, Australia, on Wurundjeri Land.
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Big Brother is WWWatching You - feat. George Orwell [RAP NEWS 15]
The Internet. Will it remain the one open frequency where humanity can bypass filters and barriers, or become the greatest spying machine ever imagined? The future is being coded as we type. Across Oceania, States have been erecting and installing measures to legalise the watching, tracking and storage of data of party-members and proles alike. If such plans materialize, will this place ever be the same? Join our plucky host Robert Foster as he conducts an incisive analysis of the situation at hand. Joining him are newly appointed Thought Police General at the Pentopticon, Darth O'Brien Baxter, and a surprisingly lucid Terence Winston Moonseed. Once again, in the midst of this Grand Human Experiment, we ask tough questions about our future. Will it involve a free internet which will continue to revolutionise the way the world communicates with itself? Or is our picture of the future a Boot stamping on this Human InterFace forever? Written & created by Giordano Nanni & Hugo Farrant - on Wurundjeri Land in Melbourne, Australia.
The Economy: Ron Paul vs Zeitgeist [RAP NEWS 9]
"The economy" threatens to annihilate our stock-piles of imaginary, inflated wealth, spawning a battle of epic proportions as insurgent grassroots forces move in to #OccupywallStreet and coalitions of indignados hold their ground in Athens, Madrid and Tel Aviv; facing up to the riotgear, batons and tazers that stand between them and a more equal redistribution of the proverbial pie. ...But enough action and excitement! It's time for some heroic armchair philosophy: Join your affable host, Robert Foster as he attempts to shine some light on this mysterious creature, "the economy". Is this the failure of capitalism that we are witnessing, or its triumph? Is it the end of the end of history, or yet another crazy chapter in the whimsical journey of the human experiment? Postscript: For the occasion, we've pulled out the big guns: admittedly it was a tough choice deciding who to interview: we could've had Alan Greenspan on the show, or the Emperor himself, Milton Friedman; the first lady, Christine Lagarde; or financial buffs like Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff and Donald Trump. But to get the freshest juice we knew we had to go further - much further. Rap News 9 features two VIP Internet grandees who have uploaded gigabytes of juice via the one remaining free frequency to feed a discerning and ravenous audience, thirsty for answers. Whilst these two fine folk agree with each other on many things, fortunately, there's no shortage of issues to rap-battle about. Well, time's short - so let the rhyme-rodeo begin as we blast off on a rollercoaster odyssey. It's the stupid Economy, in all its gory glory. Juice Rap News: written by Giordano Nanni; lyrics and performance by Hugo Farrant. Created by Farrant & Nanni in a back-yard studio in suburban Melbourne.
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The Singularity - feat. Ray Kurzweil & Alex Jones [RAP NEWS 28]
Today we travel into the pure world of sci-fi to investigate the much vaunted, mysterious potential future event known as 'The Singularity'. What will a machine consciousness mean for humanity? What are the ethical, political, military and philosophical implications of strong A.I.? And what would an AI sound like when spitting rhymes over a dope beat? All this and more shall be revealed in Rap News 28: The Singularity - featuring a special appearance from famed technocrat, futurist and inventor, Ray Kurzweil, in full TED talk mode; everyone's favourite warmonger, General Baxter; and we welcome back the dauntless info warrior Alex Jones, who last made an appearance in RN6. Join Robert Foster on this epic Sci-Fi quest into the future/past of humanity. Written & created by Giordano Nanni & Hugo Farrant in a suburban backyard home studio in Melbourne, Australia, on Wurundjeri Land.
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Honest Government Advert - Visit Puerto Rico
Tourism ad for Puerto Rico and it's surprisingly honest and informative.
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Inside Switzerland's Crypto-Valley
Over the past few years, Switzerland has been experimenting with financial innovations such as the use of currencies like Bitcoins and more. In this report by WION's Archit Sinha, we take a look at the town of Zug, which is earning a reputation as Switzerland’s crypto-valley.
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