Tesla reveals the future of the power grid | Engadget R+D
A partnership between Tesla and KIUC's (Kauaʻi Island Utility Cooperative) -- is vast -- 45 acres of solar panels situated among rolling green hills. Panels dip and rise with the contour of the land, feeding the energy of the sun to a 53MWh array of Tesla Powerpacks -- white boxes filled with batteries. That's more than double that of Tesla's battery Powerpack project in California.
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SolarCity and Tesla: Ta'u Microgrid
The island of Ta’u in American Samoa, located more than 4,000 miles from the West Coast of the United States, now hosts a solar power and battery storage-enabled microgrid that can supply nearly 100 percent of the island’s power needs from renewable energy. This provides a cost-saving alternative to diesel, removing the hazards of power intermittency and making outages a thing of the past.
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