Traders Lounge
Welcome all, to the Traders Lounge.
While I have been pretty busy lately, this community is OPEN.... that means that if you have something to add....do it!
All members here can contribute whatever t... View More
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Had a great audio chat here with Crypto-city , and will hopefully being having many more. Discussion on Crypto-City, trading strategy, coin staking, and the state of crypto in general. Be sure to cat... View More
Any thoughts? We obviously have a bull market, but we could easily drop to 500$ US and still be bullish...next months will be interesting for bulls and bears alike, if you ask me.
Alright, what do you like these days? I'm accumulating NEU, DGB(of course), IOC, MAID, a couple others. Short term I mostly jump in and out as opportunity dictates... long on STR, MAID, ETH today...
I trade mainly two coins daily, HYP & ORB, 24/7. I've been trading these for years. I have a few other, like XRA, CON, etc... but nothing to really write home about as they are not as not as active since the cryptsy debacle.
TBH. I've never held either of those... I'll have to take a look (don't worry, I'm no whale
). There were a couple that I liked playing with on cryptsy, like NET and the BAT/LTC market.

No worries. During my first 8 months @ Crypty I actually set-out to dominate about 70% of crypty's coin markets. I got as many as 70 coins, but after having 15k-20k open orders on any given rendered it impossible to check open order as the browser would instantly lock up if I tried to click the open... View More
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