So I wanted to share some of the technical things that separate us from other similar projects. This has been asked by a few people in the community, and I wanted to get it out there.
Below is in play right now and has been for a while.
1. Cross-Send was done completely custom by infernoman. (Cross-Send allows you to spend Transfercoin where Bitcoin is accepted.)
2. MAC Wallet Trading. Transfercoin is the first to do this.
3. We are currently the only altcoin with a full implementation of secp256k1 for ecdsa sig's. https://github.com/transferdev/Transfercoin/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=secp256k1
4. We are one of the only altcoins with dark features working based off of dash 0.12.0. (Stealth addresses, Darksend,Encrypted Messaging, Masternodes)
5. We are the only altcoin with Staking and Masternodes in the same wallet. (If your running a masternode in your wallet)
6. We are the only altcoin with Masternodes and Staking in an Android Wallet.
Below will be in the next release.
1. Arbitrage bot in the QT wallet. Infernoman has Bittrex and Safecex working. Chey has pushed the code for 1ex.Trade. Infernoman is working on that now. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/k6vQTFc.jpg
2. We will be the first altcoin with Dynamic DNS Masternodes. This is for people who can't get a static IP from there provider.
3. We will have a GUI for creating masternodes. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/rdDGjW9.png
Final Comments
I think this project is pretty awesome and will become one of the top projects. Everyone has been great and the new faces around have definitely been awesome. The community has really stepped up. Brought new people and explained what we are doing and what our future looks like. This project depends on community as much as it does development. As long as we all keep grinding we will continue to grow the community and the development.
Coin Logo
Coin Specifications
POW to block 15,000 (POW Over)
POS from block 15,000
Algo x11
60 sec per block
Difficulty adjusts every block
Coin Maturity 80
Min. stake age 24 hours
No Premine, No IPO. No ICO
Coin Count: 5.2 Million + PoS and Masternodes 1440 coins created a day.
Full automated TOR client in wallet.
Masternodes (about 80 online now) (Only 10,000 TX to run a masternode)
PosV3 (Switched to this at block 90,000)
CrossSend (Enables you to spend TX where BTC accepted)
Encrypted Messaging
Stealth Addresses
Coin Control
In Wallet Trading (Linux, Mac, Windows)
In Wallet Block Explorer
Android APK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rg1xte1git7m2s0/transfer.apk?dl=0
Linux: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j0cxpgcpgaqmyzh/transfer-
Mac: https://www.dropbox.com/s/diiup9ty2odnri0/Transfer-Qt-
Windows: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h6lrxnzlokfxz34/transfer-
Windows Bootstrap: [url=https://mega.nz/#!LUsgFADJ!_7XYY7rK-detyQYA6nDrqYoLZFkqtERugV67psQbpIg]https://mega.nz/#!LUsgFADJ!_7XYY7rK-detyQYA6nDrqYoLZFkqtERugV67psQbpIg[/url]
Transfercoin is getting integrated in the base coins for all coming [url=http://rokos.space/]ROKOS[/url] flavors releases for IoT devices.(Source https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1028368.msg13513313#msg13513313)
Masternode Maker Service http://mn.infernopool.com/
Demo of Masternode Maker Service http://mn.infernopool.com/node/PuNsm2GTzafhliFcpG69/
Paper Wallets http://transfercoinwallets.tk/
Multicoin Cryptocurrency Online Wallet https://www.coinwallet.co/en/currency/TX
Twitter TipBot http://transfercoin.io/twitter-tip-bot/
MultiSig Wallet (Multisig site is up for creating and broadcasting transactions) http://transfer.infernopool.com/
Accepted Payment Option for C.A.T(Cryptocurrency Automated Trader) https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=507103.0
Coin Marketcap Sites
Currently Traded Exchanges
Bittrex: https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-TX
Yobit: https://yobit.net/en/trade/TX/BTC
Safecex: https://safecex.com/market?q=TX/BTC  Added 1/31/2016
BTCPool Exchange: https://btcpool.exchange/Market?pair=TX/BTC  Added 1/31/2016
1ex.trade: https://1ex.trade/?c_currency=53 Added 2/1/2016
Livecoin https://www.livecoin.net Added 2/16/2016
alcurEX https://alcurex.org/index.php/crypto/index Added 2/24/2016
Contact Us
IRC: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.kiwiirc.com/#Transfercoin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Transfer_dev https://twitter.com/wigitgetit https://twitter.com/clark_alastair
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1203975.0
Slack: https://mighty-crag-64735.herokuapp.com/
Last update on February 24, 7:43 pm by wigitgetit.
Tj1xX1HGnoT2PLNKAKxiXrVaq5ft4YQ97N. Love the coin good one to hold