andrea ben

Are you planning to launch you cryptocurrency wallet into the market? If yes, expedite time-to-market for your wallet with white label solution and gain first mover advantage.

Antier Solutions is a trusted blockchain development company well-known its white label cryptocurrency wallet development. It provides a white label multi-currency wallet to accelerate the development process, thereby allowing its clients to quickly enter the crypto market and gain essential competitive edge.

Features of Antier Solutions’ turnkey wallet solutions

Leveraging its harmonious trifecta of technical prowess, rich experience and design-thinking-driven approach, Antier created its white label wallet fortified with the following market-leading features:

  • 12-word mnemonic phrase
  • Biometric authentication
  • Multi-signature support
  • QR code scanner
  • NFC support
  • Password protection
  • Automatic session logout
  • Self-explanatory interface