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nur islam
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Nur islam
The Peregrine Falcon: Earth's Supersonic Jewel The Peregrine falcon, renowned for its high-speed aerial dives, is the fastest animal on Earth, reaching speeds of up to 240 mph (386 km/h). With except... View More
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Nur islam
Resilient Tardigrades: Survivors Extraordinaire! Tardigrades, also known as "water bears," are microorganisms renowned for their remarkable survival abilities. These tiny, water-dwelling creatures ca... View More
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nur islam
Earth's Species Crisis: A Million At Risk Of Extinction Earth is teeming with diverse species, estimated to be around 8.7 million. #Bacteria dominate in number and #biomass. #Rainforests hold astound... View More
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Unveiling The Animal Kingdom's Surprising Human Face Recognizers Many animals possess remarkable face recognition abilities. Dolphins can recognize individuals even after years, crows can remember an... View More
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Nur islam
Primates, including humans, monkeys, and apes, are a diverse order of mammals. They possess grasping hands, forward-facing eyes, and complex social behaviors. Humans' evolutionary lineage diverged aro... View More
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Nur islam
Dolphin Discovery: Peer-Taught Prey Trapping Dolphins are remarkable marine mammals known for their intelligence and sociability. They communicate with complex clicks and whistles, use echolocation t... View More
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Jaws Of Ancient Leviathan: The Saltwater Crocodile's Terrifying Bite Saltwater crocodiles are the largest living reptile, And adult males can reach lengths of 6 to 7 meters and weigh over a ton. They... View More
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