Demand a method of contributing to progressive politicians of our choice
without using fiat currency and helping the disease of big banks
by using their transfer of value. BERN was made by the people, for the people,
to empower the people to contribute to a political party or candidate
1) instantly 2) with low fees 3) while not feeding the evil empire
that is our present banking system that has enslaved
every man, women, and child for hundreds of years.
BERN is a PoW/PoS hybrid. This means that coins are generated through both Proof of Work mining and Proof of Stake minting. Both PoW and PoS are processing BERN transactions and validating transactions. You are rewarding for doing so. You can PoW mine solo or with a group in a pool. A pool currently offering BERN PoW mining is Akia Pool and can be found here. Proof of Stake happens after you have held BERN in your wallet longer than 24 hours and up to 4 years. You are rewarded 10% annual with BERN. Think of it as earning interest on your BERN holdings.
BERN's mining is an x14 algorithm. At the time of me publishing this we are on block 344225, until block 720000 the payout per block is 250 BERN, So the best mining is still being had. After block 720000 the payout will drop to 10 BERN for 3+ years.
The creator of the project is Steven Saxton, He did a wonderful job on the coin as well as his website and official Bern forum as well as maintaining the Bct talk forum (all listed below) This is a long term project and does not merely revolve around one man and his run for office. Even if it was inspired by Bernie Sanders, The message of participation... the "WE not ME" Bernie was spreading is the most important thing to take away from his campaign. Whether it's all the young adults running for offices in their first campaigns thanks to being inspired by his message, or people around the world helping where we can online.
Participation is key if we want to see humanity/society evolve to reach our true potential, Then we need to start "steering the ship" in the right direction. If WE don't participate ourselves who is left "at the wheel" ? The same dirty corporate politicians who have created the chaos we find our world in now. Whether it's participating in projects/communities such as BERN or getting hands on in our own communities.
Exchanges we are available at are Yobit, Cryptopia, and Coingather so far and we are working on getting BERN listed on all major exchanges in time. As our community grows so will our access to the larger exchanges
Website, Facebook, BERN Forum, and Bct Forum