by on November 9, 2023

Have you ever wondered why the keyboards of ATM machines are made of metal? It may seem like a strange material to use for a keyboard, but there is actually a very good reason for it!

The History of ATM Machines

ATM machines have been around for a long time, and their keyboards have always been made out of metal. There are a few reasons for this. First of all, metal is a very durable material, so it can withstand a lot of wear and tear. Secondly, metal is easy to clean, so it keeps the keyboard clean and free of dirt and grime. Finally, metal keyboards are less likely to break than other types of keyboards.

The Different Parts of an ATM Machine

When you think about an ATM machine, you probably think about the keypad and screen where you enter your PIN and withdraw cash. But there are actually many different parts to an ATM machine, and each one has a specific purpose. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the different parts of an ATM machine and how they work together to help you get your cash.

The first part of an ATM machine is the card reader. This is where you insert your debit or credit card in order to access your account. The card reader will read your card information and send it to the processor with stainless steel keypad.

The second part of an ATM machine is the keypad. This is where you enter your PIN number in order to access your account. The keypad is connected to the processor, which verifies your PIN number and allows you to access your account.

The third part of an ATM machine is the screen. This is where you see your account balance and withdrawal options. The screen is connected to the processor, which provides the information on the screen.

The fourth part of an ATM machine is the receipt printer. This prints out a receipt for your transaction. The receipt printer is connected to the processor.

image source: https://images.unsplash.com


The Function of the Keyboard

Why are ATM keyboards made of metal? The short answer is that it is more resistant to wear and tear than a plastic keyboard. However, it goes beyond that.

Compared to plastic keyboards, metal keyboards are also simpler to clean. If necessary, they can be cleaned with a disinfectant wipe or even rinsed in soapy water. This is crucial in a public setting like an ATM because germs can spread quickly. Metal keyboards also have the benefit of being less susceptible to static accumulation. Plastic keyboards and kiosk handset may have this issue, especially in dry environments. Keys can become stuck or even unresponsive due to static.

These are the explanations for the metal keyboards found on ATMs. They are more enduring, simpler to clean, and less susceptible to static accumulation.

image source: https://images.unsplash.com


The Importance of a Metal Keyboard

The last thing you need when it comes to security is a flimsy keyboard that can be readily modified. Because they are significantly more secure and unlikely to be broken into, ATM machines have metal keyboards. A metal keyboard will last longer and require fewer replacements because it is stronger and more resistant to wear and tear. In conclusion, a metal keyboard is a smart purchase for any company that has to protect the information of its clients.


After reading this article, you now know the answer to the question: why are the keyboards of ATM machines metal 4x4 keypad? You also know that there are several reasons for this, including preventing vandalism and deterring theft. So next time you use an ATM machine, take a moment to appreciate the fact that those keys are helping to keep your money safe!


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