Jack Burton
by on February 4, 2023

Your site's internet search engine optimization will be improved and you'll develop the number of to your web site if you discover these procedures.

If you have existed the Net Marketing or SEO world at all recently, you have no doubt heard of the Nofollow link tag. Especially if you are into blogging and website commenting. And you probably also know it affects site rating Blog Comments.

It's also possible to be very confused.

Don't worry; it's maybe not your fault. There is so much different information regarding the draw, it's extremely difficult to know the best answer. And a lot of the accessible data contradicts itself.

The Nofollow attribute on links was added to lessen comment spam. The idea was, that if you didn't have any trust in where your internet site was connected to (like in case of un-moderated comments) - by adding the Nofollow tag, Bing would not provide many url liquid to these sites. And you'd perhaps not lower your rank.

The issue is that even although you post important content, you however don't get any primary SEO value from making these posts. Even when their perhaps not spam.

Therefore, you might be wondering "What's the purpose to spending some time making blog comments then"?

And, you'd be to question it. Within the previous, a good portion of your own time may be used introducing comments to other websites, you should reconsider that strategy.

Previously, in the event that you included good value through your remarks, you're rewarded. That incentive was in the form of a back connect to your site. A straight back link that may offer you larger rankings.

Posted in: Business
Topics: blog comments
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