new movie
by on January 7, 2023

A teaser for Gandhi Godse Ek Yudh was released on January 2nd, 2023 for the joy of its fans. Like the title, the story revolves around Nathuram Godse as well as Mahatma Gandhi. The script is believed to be fictional, and the authors depict a conversation with Godse with Gandhi. For those who aren’t convinced one, Gandhi had planned an assassination attempt on Gandhi, the father of the nation, on the 30th of January 1948. He did not believe in Gandhi’s ideas and beliefs of non-violence, particularly towards the Muslims. This was 1949, the year that India and Pakistan were at conflict over Kashmir.

The character of Gandhi was performed by Deepak Antani who played a similar character in a movie from 2016 called, Gandhiji My Mentor. On the other side, Chinmay Mandlekar is playing the part of Godse. He last appeared as a character in Vivek A. Ranjan’s The Kashmir Fileswhere He played an armed militant named Farooq Malik Bitta.

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