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Female. Born on January 1.
(FTC) Feather Coin Community
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About Feathercoin Feathercoin is a powerful open source digital currency with monetary properties likened to Bitcoin, Litecoin and a myriad of countless alt coins, but under the hood is something very different. Feathercoin is a highly upgraded and customised piece of software compared to the Bitcoin and Litecoin protocols. Based from btc, ltc evolved, from which ftc was born, with the intent to expand, experiment, and build onto the blockchain technology in a manner open to all for participation. Just over one year on, this has lead to the development of many extraordinary projects but none like NeoScrypt. Through the support of the community and the hard work of Phoenixcoin’s lead developer Ghostlander, we have taken Scrypt where it should have headed years ago now. Let’s get Technical Feathercoin is based on NeoScrypt and implements many features not seen in the majority of crypto coins. We have open source projects for ATM’s and Point of Sales equipment, t-shirt wallets, laser etched physical Feathercoins and Raspberry Pi based projects. There really are too many things to list but here are some of the technical aspects which differentiate Feathercoin from most. NeoScrypt Algorithm Current Gen ASIC resistance 80 Coin reward per block 336 million coins total Block target is 1.0 minutes Block reward halves every 2,100,000 blocks Retarget every block with 15, 120 and 480 block averages and 25% damping. Default Feathercoin network port is 9336 Default RPC mining port is 9337 eHRC (enhanced Hash Rate Compensation) ACP (Advanced Checkpointing)
(UNO) Unobtanium Coin Community
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UNO is a SHA256 Proof of Work cryptocurrency unique for low inflation, scarcity, a fair launch and distribution. Just 250,000 Uno will ever be mined over 300 years. Unobtanium is merged mined with Bitcoin, resulting in a secure high-difficulty blockchain that is 3x faster than Bitcoin. Uno is rare not only in the number coins issued, but also in it's fair launch and distribution. Uno was not pre-mined. The launch was pre-announced on Bitcointalk and is indisputably fair, with the first 1000 blocks mined at low reward to provide miners time to configure equipment. There is no POS inflation. There was no stealth or ninja launch of Uno. Watch Introduction » Years after it's launch, Unobtanium remains a highly collectible cryptotoken that is accepted by merchants, traded on top cryptocurrency exchanges and supported by a wide range of services. Uno has active and experienced community known for being friendly and welcoming to newcomers.
(PIGGY) Piggy Coin Community
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Welcome Parents Piggycoin is an innovative cryptocurrency that is committed to providing your children with the opportunity to learn about the emerging world of digital currency, in the most entertaining and enjoyable way possible! Children love to learn about new things, but only when they are taught with a fun-filled agenda, and that is something we can guarantee! Piggycoin is a great opportunity to get your children interested in learning about the value of currency from a young age: and what’s more, they can get started with their own PiggyBank in minutes. Did you ever have a piggy bank? Well now the piggy bank is back in the form of a cryptocurrency, to teach kids about saving, finance, and cryptocurrencies! [hr] >> https://www.piggy-coin.com/getting-started/ > https://github.com/piggycoin/newpiggycoin > https://www.piggy-coin.com/piggybanks/bootstrap.zip > http://cryptochainer.com/ > https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cryptonite.piggycoin.droidwallet > https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=633803.msg10707596#msg10707596 > https://piggybank.piggy-coin.com/ > https://www.piggy-coin.com/PiggyPaperWallet/ 473,490,056 PIGGYs are currently in circulation (265,353M were mined in the old chain) >> http://chainz.cryptoid.info/piggy/# > https://cryptofolio.info/ > https://cointopay.com/ > https://piggy-coin.com/PiggyCoinb.in/ > https://www.piggy-coin.com/api
(FRK) Franko Coin Community
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An innovative approach to ownership. Franko is a peer-to-peer payment network built with blockchain technology. The blockchain is a synchronized public ledger that monitors ownership of FRK's (frankos). FRK (franko) is the financial instrument used on the Franko payment network. FRK's can be instantly sent to anyone in the world as simply as sending an email and at little to no cost. New FRK's are generated at a predictable rate of 0.25FRK/30 seconds (720 FRK per day) as an incentive to volunteers who secure the network against double spending. You can buy and sell FRK at cryptocurrency exchanges like Cryptsy, exchange FRK for goods and services at accepting retailers or invest in FRK as a store of wealth like gold and silver.
(HTML5) HTML Coin Community
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VISION: Providing a stable system to with withstand the demands of the entire altcoin community. MISSION: To build strong network of users, create robust apps for goods & services, spread awareness about cryptocurrency through charity, and facilitate a healthy decentralize monetary environment for all. We support charitable cause and encourage technology innovation, this is our core value. We are different from other altcoins because we are focusing in integrating the “use” of htmlcoin to the “mainstream,” common people.
(BC) Black Coin Community
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BlackCoin is pure Proof of Stake coin, except stage of initial distribution, when it was mixed PoW and PoS coin. Moderated bitcointalk thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=599299.0 Web site: http://blackcoin.co/ Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/blackcoin IRC: freenode.net #blackcoin Chinese QQ groups: 374929243 and 243092057 Launch Date: 24 Feb 2014 06:00 UTC No premine. No IPO. Specifications PoS without coin age Max reorganization depth: 500 blocks Block time: 64 seconds Difficulty retarget: every block PoS Reward: 1.5 BLK Min transaction fee: 0.0001 BLK Fees are paid to miners Confirmations: 10, maturity: 500 Min stake confirmations: 500 P2P port: 15714, RPC port: 15715 Proof of work (done) Algorithm: scrypt Block reward: 10000 BLK, no halving Max height: 10000 (after this network will not accept PoW) P2Pool source: https://github.com/rat4/p2pool-blackcoin Donate Please donate to further development B8gZqgY4r2RoEdqYk3QsAqFckyf9pRHN6i
Karl Mayer
(XWC) White Coin Community
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WhiteCoin continues to evolve from its early days when it was originally created by a developer that only wanted to cash in to where it has flourished to become more than just a coin, WhiteCoin has grown into a truly innovative community consisting of Developers and Private Business Investors. While available to everyone, WhiteCoin is driven by a dedicated community of supporters yet controlled by no one single individual. This attractive combination will help ensure stability, growth, and compelling technological developments. SPECIFICATIONS Block Time: 1.5 Minutes Difficulty Retarget: every block Confirmations on Transactions: 7 Confirmations on Mined Blocks: 350 Fees: Minimum transaction fee of 0.00005 WC Stake Interest: 2% annually Scrypt Total Coins: 300,000,000 Block Reward: 30000 Total Blocks: 10000 POS After Block: 10000 Port 15814 RPC Port 15815
Ton van Zetten
(DOGE) Doge Coin Community
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Dogecoin is a fun, new and rapidly growing form of digital currency. This form of digital currency is called "cryptocurrency"; a type of digital currency. Cryptocurrency is completely anonymous, decentralized, and extremely secure. Dogecoin is used with a wallet on your computer, your smartphone, or a website. You can use it to buy goods and services, or trade it for other currencies (both other cryptocurrencies or traditional currency like US dollars). One of the most popular uses for Dogecoin is "tipping" fellow internet-goers who create or share great content. Think of it as a more meaningful "like" or upvote, with real value that can be used all across the internet. It is very easy to start using Dogecoin. Step 1: Get A Wallet. Step 2: Get Some Dogecoin. Step 3: Use Your Dogecoin. Step 4: Stay Up-to-Date.
Abayomi Ogunrinde
(XVG) Verge Community
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SPECS Algo: Scrypt Symbol: XVG Block Time: 30 seconds RPC port: 20102 P2P port: 21102 Dedicated TOR DarkNodes: 4lqsy4mp43bvqj4k.onion more coming soon! more coming soon! more coming soon! (instructions here) Block Rewards MINING REWARD SCHEDULE 0 to 14,000: 200,000 14,000 to 28,000: 100,000 28,000 to 42,000: 50,000 42,000 to 210,000: 25,000 210,000 to 378,000: 12,500 378,000 to 546,000: 6,250 546,000 to 714,000: 3,125 714,000 to 2,124,000: 1,560 2,124,000 to 4,248,000: 730 Dedicated I2P DarkNodes: vizfkm4z5u7w2vmp6hawffrktz445umt2jh2j73athdvqqmmmfha.b32.i2p ots23x7kpz6w4mmspt6xpfbckxpqyzosblhh3sptgzrgvjky2cxa.b32.i2p more.coming.soon.i2p more.coming.soon.i2p (instructions here)
(KARM) Karma Coin Community
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What is karma? . ₭arma is a new way to "Like" your family, friends, organizations, causes, and others. You can think of it as an actual token of appreciation. We provide a common, easy-to-use method for people to reward others for doing good things. Our goal is for Karma to become the global "currency with heart" and a platform for the Good Economy. Karma makes it easy to send small amounts of money to your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, charities, and other causes for the good things they do. Specifications . Originally Scrypt based. Now X11 Algorythm Includes Kimoto Gravity Well Algorithm 1 minute block Approximately 92 billion total coins *** 10,000 coins per block with an additional bonus payout based on the block number being mined 240 blocks to re-target difficulty port 9432 *** : Total number of coins still to be determined. We will have a major campaign to get everyone to voice their opinion.
Phillip Laird
(DIME) Dime Coin Community
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Specifications: - Based on Quark - CPU mining - 64 sec Block - 65536 sec (~18hrs & 1024 blocks) difficulty change (max. 10% up/50% down) - 80 confirms - 1024 coins per block (halving every 512000 blocks ~ 375 days ) - Total ~460 billion coins Block reward: Block 1 = 1024 Block 2 = 2048 Block 3 = 3072 ... Block 1024 = 1048576 Block 1025 = 1024 (Block number % 1024 * base coins) premine All sold out Source code: https://github.com/dimecoinproject/dimecoin Downloads: Windows Wallet 1.5: https://mega.co.nz/#!PcV0VTpQ!wcGBG3TVfQld8e_jtHDcCmCqoYeoJcs_7oHdztbrBfw Lunux (Ubuntu 13.04):wget http://zcoins.org/installDIME (ty isaevski) Mac Wallet: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hduuinqegjxvl8k/dimecoin-qt-mac.zip (xibeijan - donate 74sZz7TLZBPhbefj9PNPZsjfgBFPDtNFMz) How to run Mac wallet: credits to colinfx 1) installed Xcode from App Store 2) installed MacPorts: http://www.macports.org/install.php 3) opened terminal window 4) sudo port install boost db48 qt4-mac openssl miniupnpc Block explorer: http://dime.lulupon.net/ Ports: Port 11931 Rpcport 11930 Configure: rpcuser=dimecoinrpc rpcpassword=2596a6a36d42416b5486386c rpcallowip= rpcport=11930 port=11931 daemon=1 server=1 gen=0 addnode=dime.mine-pool.net:11931 addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= Mining pools: Mining Pool #1 http://pool.lulupon.net/ Mining Pool #2 http://dime.npool.org:2200/static/ Mining Pool #3 http://mine-pool.net/dime/ Mining Pool #4 https://dime.air-pool.net/ P2P pool http://zcoins.org:9962/ Use minerd64_sse3 -a quark -o http://zcoins.org:9962 -u 77aWU6VPvanYsKnqcPdKw12nUNN3gNxCiW -p x Windows: download and unpack archive: quark-v2_w64.zip (x64) add in file !BTQ.bat your wallet address start !BTQ.bat Lunux (Ubuntu 13.04): wget http://zcoins.org/installBTQ chmod +x installBTQ ./installBTQ add in file startminerBTQ.sh your wallet address ./startminerBTQ.sh
Lady Phoeynix
(POT) Pot Coin Community
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PotCoin was designed to empower, secure and facilitate the legal cannabis community’s transactions by creating a unique crypto currency for this thriving industry. PotCoin removes the need for cash transactions and encourages buying through consumer incentives. On every level of the cannabis industry, users and supporters can entrust PotCoin to extend credibility, stability and security to this growing market. The PotCoin mission is to economize the cannabis industry. PotCoin as a digital currency is an alternative payment network for cannabis users, merchants and industry professionals. The PotCoin network allows cannabis enthusiasts to interact, transact, communicate and grow together. WEBSITE WWW.POTCOIN.COM
(RDD) Redd Coin Comunity
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http://www.reddcoin.com Official Reddcoin Blog Official Reddcoin video Reddcoin Core (Standard Qt wallet) Windows Mac Linux Source Code ReddWallet 1.4.0 (Reddcoin full experience) Windows Mac Linux 32 Linux 64 Reddcoin Electrum 1.0.2 (Reddcoin lite wallet) Windows Mac Linux Source Code Block explorer live.reddcoin.com Exchanges cryptsy.com RDD/USD wesellredd.com RDD/USD Paypal bittrex.com poloniex.com allcoin.com allcrypt.com swisscex.com coin-swap.net Calculators coinmarketcap.com coingecko.com bravenewcoin.com worldcoinindex.com cointweak.com/calculator cryptocoincharts Social Reddheads Reddit Twitter Facebook Google+ YouTube Tumblr Reddcoin Forums vk.com/thereddcoin Reddcoin is an open source peer-to-peer cryptocurrency based on Litecoin v0.8.6.2 source code. Specification Algorithm: Proof-of-Stake-Velocity Total Supply (Approx): 27 Billion RDD Block Time: 60 Seconds Difficulty Retarget: Every block using Kimoto’s gravity well. Interest rate: 5% Reddcoin will be dedicated to one thing: tipping on social networks as a way to bring cryptocurrency to the general public. Social networks are now part of our life. They give to everyone on this planet a fair chance at showing to the world how awesome they are. Getting an upvote’s or like’s for their well-received comment is fun, but unfortunately, it has no real value. Maybe there is something better? Cryptocurrency is complicated. Let’s face it, the average human being has no idea how cryptocurrency work. They would like to get involved, but usually have no idea where to start. Reddcoin will fill those voids by integrating a seamless cryptocurrency tipping system with all major social networks to make the process of exchanging coins simple, fun and rewarding both for the giver and the receiver. Everyone will be a winner. Social networks are always looking for new ways to have their users interact with each other in order to generate more advertising revenue. Our customers will enjoy this new “cool” application and even make some money out of it. Coin owners will benefit from the increased demand from social networks. To get more informations about Reddcoin, visit our website at http://www.reddcoin.com. If you have any questions, fell free to ask here! The Reddcoin team http://www.reddcoin.com
Lady Phoeynix
(MYR) Myriad Coin Community
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Specifications Based on Bitcoin No premine Proof of Work: Scrypt, SHA256D, Qubit, Skein or Myriad-Groestl Block time: 5 minutes per algorithm (60 second average over 5 algos) Each algorithm has separate difficulty Block reward halves every 967680 blocks (about 48 weeks) Block reward: 1000 MYR reducing to 1 MYR ~ 10 years Total coin supply: About 2 billion MYR Difficulty adjusts every block P2P port: 10888 RPC port: 10889 Configuration file: myriadcoin.conf Coin control features Stealth addresses Time warp mitigation How it works Each proof of work algorithm has its own independent difficulty. Any algorithm can find the next block. All the algorithms use the same difficulty adjustment method. On average, each algorithm has the same chance of finding the next block. Each algorithm aims for a block generation time of 2.5 minutes. Over the five algorithms, a block should be found on average every 30 seconds. Wallets Github source http://github.com/myriadcoin/myriadcoin Windows wallet Win32 Zip https://github.com/myriadteam/myriadcoin/releases/download/v0.9.2.17/myriadcoin. Installer https://github.com/myriadteam/myriadcoin/releases/download/v0.9.2.17/MyriadSetup- Win64 Zip https://github.com/myriadteam/myriadcoin/releases/download/v0.9.2.17/myriadcoin. Installer https://github.com/myriadteam/myriadcoin/releases/download/v0.9.2.17/MyriadSetup- Mac Wallet https://github.com/myriadteam/myriadcoin/releases/download/v0.9.2.16/myriadcoin. Android Wallet Built by HashEngineering Google Play Link Electrum Wallet Built by mr_burdell Windows || Mac JSWallet Forked from RushWallet by cryptapus An instant browser-based cross-platform wallet that neither holds nor has access to your Myriadcoins. http://cryptap.us/myr/jswallet Copay Multisignature Wallet Forked from Bitpay by cryptapus A multisignature wallet for Myriad that you can create either in the cloud or on your own device. http://hydra-myr.cryptap.us/ Paper http://cryptap.us/myr/paperwallet.html Brain http://cryptap.us/myr/brainwallet
(UNB) Unbreakable Coin
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UNBREAKABLECOIN UNB SPECIFICATIONS Bigger, Faster, It's UnbreakableCoin UnbreakableCoin aka UNB, is a POW Sha256d clone of BTC. UNB is based directly on Satoshi's original plan for crypto currency, it is designed to pick up where he left off. 80 Million UNB will be available in total around the year 2050. That's about 2.4 million mined out per year ratio Almost 4 times the size of Bitcoin, giving equal opportunity to Crypto users for a long time Zero % Premine. Absolutely no premine at all on UNB. Block Reward is 50 UNB and will half at Block#800,000. There are no bonus blocks of any kind. New block creation speeds at an average of 300 seconds, with equal hash to difficulty ratio. Blocks can be faster or slower. Difficulty readjustment every 2016 Blocks - same as BTC - No Gravity Wells - Making UNB harder to get than most coins. It will take 35-40 years to mine out all 80 Million UNB Designed to implement the same features BTC implements, including blockchain technologies. UNB is designed for long term growth and proper technical changes, regulations, and leadership in Crypto Currency Markets. UNB Wallets Support Multisig Transactions for added security. 5 Star Plus - Max POD (Proof of Developer) rating from Crypto Asian - one of very few Five Star Plus. First Crypto to launch an online auction site allowing sellers to accept over 100 cryptos for payment - UNBAuctions.com First Crypto with a phone number 1-406-CALLUNB First Crypto released by a software company with an LLC License! Unbreakable Crypto Products LLC. of Las Vegas Nevada New coins are often released, however none since Bitcoin can match the pure potential of UnbreakableCoin. UNB started taking the world by storm right away by being one of the first fully transparent coins in the crypto world. We were the first crypto coin to offer live support via web and telephone. The Unbreakable Team is unmatched when it comes to user support, and everything we do as a team is open and transparent. We encourage people to ask us questions or for help anytime even if you need a website built to accept crypto. UnbreakableCoin is like no other group before, and we are here to stay! Our Unbreakable Team is worldwide and working around the clock to make UNB a serious commodity in this Crypto world. Several vendors have already started accepting UNB and several more are in current negotiations with us. UnbreakableCoin is listed on Cryptsy, and C-CEX Bitcoin exchanges. As we continue expanding in the Crypto world, we are expanding in the real world. Unlike any coin before us, we offer free live support via Google Hangouts, telephone during business hours, and more live support in our #IRC group with Team Speak voice chat. Our main #IRC server is a private server for security purpose, and we are also on the Freenode network now too. We are doing everything we can as a large team to make a better and more trusting Crypto Currency. Our mission is expanding crypto into the mainstream as the #1 payment option online and expanding UNB to the point of worldwide awareness and acceptance. UNB products and services give real world usage to UNB and other crypto coins! UNB is designed with a game plan to go the long haul! Our auction site https://unbreakablecoinauctions.com will change the way the world looks at Crypto Currency. We offer the easiest way possible to get crypto, no mining needed, no money needed! Just sell some of your old stuff for UNB, BTC, or 100+ crypto coins! Backed by Escrow Services! Mining UNB means you too believe Crypto Currency will be mainstream and coins like UNB stand a chance to be a part of that. Join our wild ride as we aim straight for the top of the crypto empire. We encourage you to research UNB and see everything we are doing, it's unlike all the rest! Unbreakable Crypto Products LLC. offices are located at 5160 W Patrick Lane in Las Vegas Nevada, and can be visited by appointment. UNBREAKABLECOIN UNB INFORMATION Website http://www.unbreakablecoin.com UNB News UNB News Block Explorer / Crawler / Current Supply / Difficulty https://blockexperts.com/unb Contact admin@unbreakablecoin.com
(STRB) SuperTurboStake Community
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Features: -SHA256d Proof of Work (PoW) mining with Responsive Block Value Reward System -Competitive Proof of Stake (PoS) 68.49% per 5 days after 5 days additional 13.69% per day while waiting to stake 5000% apr -Consistently secured block chain due to reward optimization requiring constant participation Source: https://github.com/5mil/SuperTurboStake Downloads: windows wallet https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1cnD3W8c0jtRGVlMzduVy1ZMG8/view?usp=sharing rpcport=29997 port= 29996 addnode= addnode= addnode= BOUNTIES AVAILABLE *Please add to MYNAbrHJSKcPgrACeJvL4ALQsQpQv3cDaM if you would like to see SuperTurboStake on more exchanges, help with bounties funding, and further advance the opportunity to have SuperTurboStake grow! NEXT EXCHANGE (50,000 SuperTurboStake) Send a message to Poloniex, Bittrex , & Go vote @ C-CEX and ask them to claim their bounties Thanks for everyone's help! Hurry and get your SuperTurboStake while they are still cheap! [/color][/i] 1st Dice or other Game Site (20,000 SuperTurboStake) Xtra Game Site (15,000 SuperTurboStake) Merchant Adoption (15,000 SuperTurboStake) First SuperTurboStake Currency Tattoo (HuhHuh SuperTurboStake) Staking Android Wallet (35,000 SuperTurboStake) Staking Mac Wallet (35,000 SuperTurboStake) Staking iOS Wallet (35,000 SuperTurboStake) Staking RaspberryPi Wallet (10,000 SuperTurboStake) Community Staking Pool* (25,000 SuperTurboStake) 2 Faucets (5,000 SuperTurboStake) Dedicated Mining Pool (20,000 SuperTurboStake) Block Explorer (20,000 SuperTurboStake) Translation Thread (500 SuperTurboStake)
Five Mil
(DGB) DigiByte Community
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Key DigiByte features 21 Billion DGB in 21 Years Consistent, calculated & decentralized distribution. Fast Transactions DigiBytes can be sent & received anywhere in the world within seconds. 30 second blocks, 3 minute fully confirmed transactions. No Middle Man DigiByte is completely decentralized. There is no need for a third party. Easy to Use Simplicity is our top priority! DigiByte is payment technology for the future! No Pre-Mine Held by Devs The DigiByte team has been honest & transparent since launch and currently holds 0% pre-mine. Safe & Secure The DigiByte network is built upon secure, high-tech encryption algorithms. MultiAlgo Mining DigiByte is more fairly distributed with five mining algorithms. Worldwide & Growing Fast Global offices, global connections, global impact!
Karl Mayer
Elite Currency Community
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Elite started as a fun project and will be continued as a serious fun project! As a Community, we will have to explore the possibilities which a high POS coin could bring to the Crypto World. Elite stakes like a BEAST so there will be no shortage of new coins... Now we just have to find a way to increase the demand in some creative ways.... Let The Experiments Begin! Burn For Fun The Burn For Fun Concept aims to burn Elite and provide some Fun in return. I'm sure there are some transparent ways to burn coins, hopefully the Community could help me out with this. The idea is to organize different kinds of contests/drawings where the entrants have to pay with Elite. A part of the prizepool would get burned by being sent to a burn address, the rest would go to the winner(s). Easiest to start with IMHO would be a lottery. We could even ask some trusted member to escrow and such. Elite Game Servers This idea was brought to me by a friend who loves playing MineCraft. Basically we would setup our own MineCraft server and use Elite as an in game currency. This is just one example and will need lots of tweaking and testing but its a fun way to spend your Elite if you're into gaming. Also, lots of people dont know anything about crypto and how to use it so its a great opportunity to get some new people in touch with altcoins in a fun way. Afterall, Elite is very cheap so dont be greedy and share some with your friends and families Smiley Elite Global Domination The idea behind this is to have gaming contests with teams from all over the world. Just any kind of game would do as long as there are enough participants. These are just some of the ideas i had and would like to try to release. Of course, any feedback or input from all of you would be highly appreciated! Let's get brainstorming to see if we can come up with some more ideas. Or maybe start something similar on your own. Get creative, join the Starf1337 and lets go where no coin has gone before....
Chris Garrett
(SBC) Stable Coin Community
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Stable Coin – Future Stability It is somewhat a pipe dream to have a crypto currency that is completely STABLE, after all it is a market like any other, although less mature. However the new team taking over the future development of the coin share much of the ethos the original developer had. The new team have come up with some exciting plans that could see much further development of the coin and it’s wallet features. Key to getting a coin adopted by merchants is Stability with that merchant not in fear of losing financially in the markets they participate in. Step 1) With this in mind we propose to change the coin to a hybrid in the near future. The maths are being worked on very carefully to establish what coin production produces the best price stability in relation to other crypto currencies but more importantly the larger fiat currencies used daily around the world at the moment. This is where most developers go wrong and just assume people and businesses will adopt crypto due to a dislike for centralised systems that have been in place for thousands of years. Step 2) Wallets are dull as dish water even a good one with good features looks much the same as the next on. We intend to change this and build from the ground up. A new wallet system that is easy to use with excellent features, it should be better than the best on line banking wallet because crypto needs to be ahead of the curve. These wallets will cover phones, computers and devices we don’t even know about yet, or do we? Step 3) Getting merchants to take the coin and people to use it. Even big brother bitcoin struggles to pull this off. Just try paying for a beer at a bar that has the foresight with BTC and you could die of thirst before it gets to your hand. What you see above is no roadmap, it is a statement of intent to bring you the best coin available on the market. This may take a few months because we are waiting on technology improvements but we can do it. 10 people with access to many thousands in the crypto niche. So join in, buy some coins, mine like fury and join the new revolution in giving a good ol' coin the kiss of life. SPECS: Block reward is 25 coins per block, with a block target time of 40 seconds. Difficulty will be recalculated every 90 blocks. A total of 145 million coins will be minted, with block reward halving every ~3.7 years. Mined blocks will mature after 35 blocks. Block 0-90 0 coins Block 90-180 1 coins Block 180-270 2 coins Block 270-360 3 coins Block 360-450 6 coins Block 450-540 8 coins Block 540-630 12 coins Block 630-720 15 coins Block 720-810 18 coins Block 810-900 22 coins Block 900+ 25 coins TekyBoy Mining Pool Pool is up and running, Happy Mining!!!! stratum+tcp://stratum.tekyboy.tk:16006 wallet address as username password of your choice (it does not matter what you choose) port 16006 is vardiff Promo: Mining fee on SBC pool will remain 1.5% for the whole month Oct 20 - Nov 20 cheers https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/MineShaft?pool=SBC SERVICES Block Explorer: http://www.theblockexplorers.com/stable.html http://sbc.blockexplorer.io Faucets: http://freecoinfaucet.com/sbc/ https://cryptospout.com/faucet/hourly_stablecoin_faucet.html https://cryptospout.com/faucet/daily_stablecoin_faucet.html https://cryptospout.com/deluge/hourly_stablecoin_deluge.html https://cryptospout.com/deluge/daily_stablecoin_deluge.html StableCoin (SBC) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator: http://coinmill.com/SBC_calculator.html Marketcaps: http://coincap.io/#/coin/sbc http://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/stablecoin/ EXCHANGES Cryptopia: https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Exchange?market=SBC_BTC https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Exchange?market=SBC_DOT https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Exchange?market=SBC_LTC https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Exchange?market=SBC_DOGE https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Exchange?market=SBC_FTC https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Exchange?market=SBC_POP https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Exchange?market=SBC_HTML5 https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Exchange?market=SBC_UNO Cryptsy: https://www.cryptsy.com/markets/view/SBC_BTC https://www.cryptsy.com/markets/view/SBC_LTC Social Media: Twitter: @SBCdevteam Facebook: coming soon IRC: ##Stablecoin on freenode (http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=%23%23stablecoin&uio=d4 ) OFFICIAL SITE Coming Soon OFFICIAL FORUM Coming Soon Wallets: OLD Windows Client: https://github.com/stablecoin/stablecoin-qt/archive/master.zip OLD Source: https://github.com/stablecoin/StableCoin NEW Windows Wallet made by Noise23 Dev of Truckcoin (no more messy dll files): http://downloads.truckcoin.net/misc/stablecoin-qt.zip or https://github.com/noise23/stablecoin changes made: Added gitian descriptors and did some edits to the .pro file https://github.com/noise23/stablecoin/commit/b58b3cbc653ec1247efa0d1a177a9cf8bee03b64 Virustotalscan: 0 / 56 https://www.virustotal.com/nl/file/b1cbb32059531670394ac22d008948b77510382308e5844c583c611f704ea32f/analysis/1439716572/ MAC wallet: https://mega.nz/#!0AY3FQbb!T5wdjVvp3oDfr9Ucun4Dw2JaF0wePwP5xy50meuwn9k) Nodes: addnode= addnode= addnode=