Cameron McCloskey
by on January 4, 2019

In one of its most symbolic partnerships to date, Skeincoin is very excited to announce that it will be working closely with Assist Belarus!

Assist Belarus is itself a subsidiary of Assist, Russia’s largest online and electronic payments company specialising specifically in facilitating payments infrastructure. The company currently connects over 3000 businesses and enterprises online and meets the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), an international security standard for organisations involved in operating with major credit card schemes such as VISA or Mastercard. This is a standard it must meet annually and has done since 2006. The parent company Assist, has been awarded the Runet award in the past for being the best online financial instrument in Russia.

The company offers many different services, each providing convenient benefits for the end user. These include ‘one click’ purchases and easy cancellation/refund options. By providing such quality services, Assist Belarus is capable of providing payment systems which can contend or even outcompete international standards.

Together with Assist Belarus, Skeincoin aims will develop the unique payment system SKEINPAY, based around Skeincoin itself. Whilst this is a large undertaking, formation of such a payments system will allow for the creation of Skeincoin debit cards which will operate like any other VISA, Mastercard or American Express card. This will open up many doors for Skeincoin by providing one major step forward in allowing SKEINPAY to become a more serious and accomplished payments system.

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