I'm planning on hosting a Crypto currency wallet training class for POS (Proof of stake coins).
First you'll need to register here if you're not already a member:
Once you are registered, be sure to go to the Crypto-city Academy and like the page so it will automatically include you into the group chat system:
Then come back here and RSVP for the class:
While you are at it, share it with some friends and have them pre-register for the class as well. Besides love, the greatest gift we can give is knowledge and it's a great way of showing that you care.
The class will be informal. There's no cost or gimmick for these classes. I will fund up to 1000 new people that register. You will be able to keep the wallet and the coins as well.
Wallets are what essentially maintains the blockchain that forms the network along with other wallets throughout the world. The wallets also helps to verify and confirm transactions on the network. For this, wallet owners receives a reward for simply leaving the wallet on as it creates a secure and robust crypto currency network.
The rewards can range anywhere from 3% and up per anum depending the coin and wallet. This class will help people to understand the basic workings of the blockchain and how everything fits together and help to demystify how crypto currencies work.
It is recommended that everyone that participates have a working microphone and a headphone on a computer with a good internet connection to get the most out the session.
Feel free to submit suggestions if you want to learn about a particular topic of crypto.
Hit me up if anyone wants to assist me with this event. I don't have a date yet, but will post an update when I get it set-up.
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