by on April 17, 2021

*Disclaimer: This is not medical advice, I'm just sharing what has worked well  in preventing me from being sick over the years.

Let's face it, no one likes to be sick, it cost time and resources and it's super annoying.  Most people get sick due to infection or inflamation to the nasal and throat area and as a result can cause  respiratory issues which can at times makes breathing difficult to due to the build of fluid in the lungs or in inflamed restricted sinuses.

Now that we understand where the majority of sicknesses are derived, I will share some practical preventitive measures that can reduce your chances of being sick.  If you're already sick, these suggestions will also help to aleviate the misery and speed up recovery.

So let's get to it. Here are some possible symptoms more or less.


Sinus area

  • Runny nose
  • Sinus congestion
  • Stuffy Nose
  • Scratchy nose
  • Excessive mucus
  • Nasal drip from the nose or into throat


Throat area

  • Sore thoat
  • Scratchy throat
  • Mucus build up
  • Coughing up phlegm (from throat or lungs)


Things you'll need

  • 1 Container that can hold a few cups of hot water
  • 1-2 teaspoon Iodized table salt
  • 2 cups of hot water



  1. Boil water and pour into container and stir the until disolved. 
  2. Let it cool, but still warm. Don't let it get cold.


Usage / application

  1. Take the container of salt solution with you  and start a hot shower.
  2. While in the shower, blow your noise and cough up everything you can and spit it out. Repeat if needed.
  3. Take the container of salt solution.
  4. Plug one side of your nose and lean your head forward and slightly down.
  5. Suck the salt solution through your nose until the nasal cavity is comletely filled and then plug both sides of your nose and hold while breathing through your mouth.
  6. Let the warm salt water solution loosen any mucus and nasties.
  7. Release and blow your nose and cough everything out again. Repeat step 5 as needed.
  8. Do this twice a day or more as needed until you start to feel better.
  9. During this time avoid alcohol and dairy products.
  10. Enjoy some orange juice and keep hydrated. Drink plenty of water.


Don't wait until you get sick to practice the above, So the next time you start to feel the slightest tingly throat or runny nose, take a hot shower and practice the above. It's gross, but sure beats being sick and will save you a lot of misery and grief.

I hope you've found the information useful. If you do, please share the link to this post with friends.


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